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Thematic Content Analysis of Studies Using Generalizability Theory
International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education Pub Date : 2019-05-25 , DOI: 10.21449/ijate.569996

One of the important theories in education and psychology is Generalizability (G) Theory and various properties distinguish it from the other measurement theories. To better understand methodological trends of G theory, a thematic content analysis was conducted. This study analyzes the studies using generalizability theory in the field of education in Turkey by using the method of thematic content analysis. It reviews 60 studies, including 31 articles and 29 theses published from 2004 to 2017. The selected studies underwent thematic content analysis using parameters including tagged information, aim, G Theory type, number of facets used in the study, Turkish word for “facet,” object of measurement, sample size, design type, mixed-design availability, shared results of G and D studies, computer programs, method of calculating negative variance, availability of fixed facets, and design balance. The data were interpreted on the basis of frequencies; both table and figures are included in the study. According to the results, there is an increase in the number of studies conducted by using G theory by years. Of these, many compare theories; most of them applying univariate G Theory and consider two-faceted measurement situations. While a small subset of studies features mixed design, a large group features crossed design, with individuals as the object of measurement. The computer program most commonly used in analyses is EduG. The majority of studies use balanced design. Recommendations are provided accordingly with the results.



在教育和心理学中,重要的理论之一是概化(G)理论,其各种特性使其与其他测量理论区分开来。为了更好地理解G理论的方法论趋势,进行了主题内容分析。本研究通过主题内容分析的方法,对土耳其教育领域的概论进行了分析。它审查了2004年至2017年发表的60篇研究,包括31篇文章和29篇论文。对选定的研究进行了主题内容分析,使用的参数包括标记信息,目标,G理论类型,研究中使用的构面数量,土耳其语“ facet, ”测量对象,样本大小,设计类型,混合设计可用性,G和D研究的共享结果,计算机程序,负方差的计算方法,固定构面的可用性和设计平衡。数据是根据频率来解释的;表格和数字都包括在研究中。根据结果​​,使用G理论进行的研究数量逐年增加。其中,有许多比较理论。他们中的大多数采用单变量G理论并考虑了两方面的测量情况。一小部分研究采用混合设计,而一大类研究采用交叉设计,以个人为测量对象。分析中最常用的计算机程序是EduG。大多数研究使用平衡设计。随结果提供了建议。根据结果​​,使用G理论进行的研究数量逐年增加。其中,有许多比较理论。他们中的大多数采用单变量G理论并考虑了两方面的测量情况。一小部分研究采用混合设计,而一大类研究采用交叉设计,以个人为测量对象。分析中最常用的计算机程序是EduG。大多数研究使用平衡设计。随结果提供了建议。根据结果​​,使用G理论进行的研究数量逐年增加。其中,有许多比较理论。他们中的大多数采用单变量G理论并考虑了两方面的测量情况。一小部分研究采用混合设计,而一大类研究采用交叉设计,以个人为测量对象。分析中最常用的计算机程序是EduG。大多数研究使用平衡设计。随结果提供了建议。以个人为衡量对象。分析中最常用的计算机程序是EduG。大多数研究使用平衡设计。随结果提供了建议。以个人为衡量对象。分析中最常用的计算机程序是EduG。大多数研究使用平衡设计。随结果提供了建议。