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Comparison of the effect of rest interval between sets and set – repetition configuration during bouts of eccentric exercise on muscle damage and inflammatory markers
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology Pub Date : 2018-03-14 , DOI: 10.22631/ijaep.v7i1.238
Hossein Mohammadi , Mohammad Esmaiel Afzalpour , Seyed Hossein Abtahi Ivary

Background and Objective: Various studies have demonstrated that different rest Intervals has a significant effect on hormonal, metabolic and cardiovascular responses. This factors can lead to different muscle damage responses. Materials and Methods: 40 untrained subjects (25.4 ± 0.068 years, height 1.74 ± 0.97 cm and weight 30.8 ± 8.48 kg) in three sessions of eccentric resistance exercise with 24 hours rest between each session Participated in this study. Subjects were divided into 4 groups, A group: 5 sets of 10 repetition with the interset rest interval 1 minutes, B group: 10 sets of 5 repetition with the interset rest interval 3 minutes, C group: 10 sets of 5 repetition with the interset rest interval 3 minutes and D group: 5 sets of 10 repetition with the interset rest interval 3 minutes that performed 50 eccentric contractions with 85% of one repetition maximum. Each set includes 10 or 5 contractions that lower a person’ s weight in 3 s and at least 2 s to reach the next contraction without weights placed in full i¬‚exion Around 1- or 3-min rest was given between each set. The experimental protocol was repeated for three consecutive days. The range of motion, the arm circumference, soreness and Alpha necrosis tumor factor were measured immediately before , immediately after and 24 hours after training. Results: Variance analysis with repeated measure demonstrated, non-dominant arm circumference(P= 0.44), soreness (P= 0.76) and alpha necrosis tumor factor (P= 0.37) in different time points in 4 groups significantly increased and the range of motion (P= 0.44) decreased, but no significant difference in all dependent variables were found in 4 groups at different time points (P <0.05). Conclusion: Mechanisms of muscular damage caused by consecutive eccentric activities is independent of manipulating resistance exercise components (rest and the number of set-repetition) and possibly related to the muscular pressure entering to the muscles.



背景与目的:各种研究表明,不同的休息时间间隔对荷尔蒙,代谢和心血管反应具有重要影响。该因素可能导致不同的肌肉损伤反应。材料和方法:40名未经训练的受试者(25.4±0.068岁,身高1.74±0.97 cm和体重30.8±8.48 kg)在三节偏心阻力运动中各休息之间有24小时休息,参与了这项研究。将受试者分为4组,A组:5组,每组重复休息间隔为1分钟,B组:10组,每组5次重复间隔休息间隔为3分钟,C组:10组,每组重复5分钟,间隔休息间隔为3分钟休息间隔3分钟,D组:5组,每组10次重复,间隔休息间隔3分钟,进行50次离心收缩,一次重复最大次数的85%。每组包括10或5个收缩,可在3 s内降低一个人的体重,并且至少2 s可以达到下一个收缩,而无需将重物完全放下。每组之间大约需要休息1或3分钟。实验方案连续三天重复。在训练前,训练后和训练后24小时测量运动范围,臂围,酸痛和Alpha坏死肿瘤因子。结果:重复测量的方差分析表明,四组不同时间点的非主要臂围(P = 0.44),酸痛(P = 0.76)和α坏死肿瘤因子(P = 0.37)显着增加,并且运动范围(P = 0。44)降低,但4个组在不同时间点的所有因变量均无显着差异(P <0.05)。结论:由连续的离心运动引起的肌肉损伤的机制与操纵阻力运动成分(休息和固定重复的次数)无关,并且可能与进入肌肉的肌肉压力有关。