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The Antics of Semantics in International Law
Anti-Trafficking Review Pub Date : 2018-10-29 , DOI: 10.14197/atr.201218119
Marika McAdam

Response to the ATR Debate Proposition: ‘It is important and necessary to make clear distinctions between (irregular) migrants, refugees and trafficked persons.’ Whether a person is given a loaded label like ‘irregular’ migrant, refugee or trafficked person, can make the difference between arrest and protection, or between deportation and asylum, or between return to an uncertain fate and assistance for a decent life. In short, the distinctions we make in the language of international law may mean the difference between life and death.



对ATR辩论主张的回应:“在(非常规)移民,难民和被贩运者之间做出明确区分非常重要和必要。” 无论是给一个人打上“不定期”移民,难民或被贩运者之类的标签,都可以在逮捕和保护之间,驱逐出境和庇护之间,或在不确定的命运和获得体面生活的援助之间有所区别。简而言之,我们在国际法中所作的区分可能意味着生与死之间的差异。