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Sex Worker Resistance in the Neoliberal Creative City: An auto/ethnography
Anti-Trafficking Review Pub Date : 2019-04-29 , DOI: 10.14197/atr.201219122
Alex Tigchelaar

Sex workers are subjects of intrigue in urban and creative economies. Tours of active, deteriorating, or defunct red-light districts draw thousands of tourists every year in multiple municipalities around the world. When cities celebrate significant anniversaries in their histories, local sex worker narratives are often included in arts-based public offerings. When sex workers take up urban space in their day-to-day lives, however, they are criminalised. Urban developers often view sex workers as existing serviceably only as legend. A history of sex work will add allure to an up-and-coming neighbourhood, lending purpose to its reformation into a more appropriately productive space, but the material presence of sex workers in these neighbourhoods is seen as a threat to community wellbeing and property values. This paper considers how sex workers, continuously displaced from environments they have carved out as workspaces, may use the arts to draw attention to these ongoing contradictions. It investigates how sex workers may make visible the idiosyncratic state of providing vitality to a city’s history while simultaneously being excluded from its living present. Most critically, it suggests ways in which sex workers may encourage those involved as producers and consumers of neoliberal urban revitalisation projects to connect these often fatal paradoxes to the laws that criminalise their labour.



在城市和创意经济中,性工作者是引起人们兴趣的对象。活跃,恶化或不复存在的红灯区的旅行每年在全球多个城市吸引成千上万的游客。当城市在其历史上庆祝重要的周年纪念日时,基于艺术的公开发行中通常会包含本地性工作者的故事。但是,当性工作者在日常生活中占用城市空间时,他们就会被定罪。城市开发商经常将性工作者视为只能服务于传奇的性工作者。性工作的历史会给新兴社区增加吸引力,目的是将其改革为一个更合适的生产空间,但性工作者在这些社区的物质存在被视为对社区福祉和财产价值的威胁。本文考虑性工作者如何 不断地从他们雕刻成工作空间的环境中流离失所,可能会利用艺术来吸引人们注意这些不断发生的矛盾。它研究性工作者如何使城市历史活力的特质状态可见,同时又被排除在生活环境之外。最关键的是,它提出了性工作者如何鼓励那些作为新自由主义城市复兴项目的生产者和消费者的参与者将这些往往致命的悖论与将其劳动定为犯罪的法律联系起来的方法。它研究性工作者如何使城市历史活力的特质状态可见,同时又被排除在生活环境之外。最关键的是,它提出了性工作者如何鼓励那些作为新自由主义城市复兴项目的生产者和消费者的参与者将这些往往致命的悖论与将其劳动定为犯罪的法律联系起来的方法。它研究性工作者如何使城市历史活力的特质状态可见,同时又被排除在生活环境之外。最关键的是,它提出了性工作者如何鼓励那些作为新自由主义城市复兴项目的生产者和消费者的参与者将这些往往致命的悖论与将其劳动定为犯罪的法律联系起来的方法。