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Words Matter. But Rights Matter More
Anti-Trafficking Review Pub Date : 2018-10-29 , DOI: 10.14197/atr.2012181110
Pia Oberoi

Response to the ATR Debate Proposition: ‘It is important and necessary to make clear distinctions between (irregular) migrants, refugees and trafficked persons.’ The international community has recently taken steps to agree two intergovernmental compacts, which together are intended to revitalise the global governance of migration and asylum. The Global Compact on Refugees seeks to strengthen international cooperation on the refugee regime, while the Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration aims to establish principles, commitments and understandings among Member States regarding international migration in all its dimensions. The compacts have been brought into existence against a backdrop of widespread and increasingly systematic human rights violations committed against migrants by state officials, traffickers and other criminals, and leading to what has been called ‘one of the greatest human tragedies of our time’. At the same time, the very bifurcation of the compacts into two ‘separate, distinct and independent’ agreements rests on a set of assumptions that could distort rather than illuminate the complex issue of contemporary human mobility.



对ATR辩论主张的回应:“对(非常规)移民,难民和被贩运者做出明确区分是重要且必要的。” 国际社会最近已采取步骤,同意两个政府间契约,这两个契约旨在重振全球移徙和庇护的治理。《全球难民契约》旨在加强在难民制度方面的国际合作,而《全球安全,定期和有序移民契约》则旨在就所有方面的国际移民问题在会员国之间确立原则,承诺和谅解。在国家官员,贩运者和其他罪犯对移徙者进行广泛而系统的侵犯人权行为的背景下,订立了契约 并导致了所谓的“我们时代最伟大的人类悲剧之一”。同时,契约的分叉成两个“分别,不同和独立”的协议,是基于一系列可能扭曲而不是阐明当代人类流动性的复杂问题的假设。