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Seeing Environmental Violence in Deep Time
Environmental Humanities Pub Date : 2018-05-01 , DOI: 10.1215/22011919-4385562
Richard D. G. Irvine 1

What does it mean to do violence in deep time? How is deep time evoked in our understanding of environmental harm? Environmental transformations have figured prominently in the recent history of Mongolia. Shifts in land use have been associated with severe pasture degradation, and the precarity of herding livelihoods has been a factor accelerating urbanization. Most recently, the intensification of mining activity has been a particular source of social and economic change. These contexts have led to a political and religious reevaluation of human relationships with the land. This article focuses on literary and musical interventions (particularly rap music in the first part of the article and the literary work of G. Mend-Ooyo in the later part) that draw attention to this changing relationship with the environment, which the article portrays as a potential rupture. We explore how these works domesticate deep time, nesting personal histories within the temporal depth of the landscape and crosshatching biographical, mythological, and geologic understandings of time. Yet we then see how this domestication comes to be threatened by developments that sever the relationship between people and land, leading to the disturbing prospect of being left stranded in the face of an inhospitable deep time.



深入进行暴力意味着什么?我们对环境危害的理解如何引起人们的深切关注?在蒙古最近的历史中,环境转型已成为重要的标志。土地使用的变化与牧场的严重退化有关,放牧生计的不稳定是加速城市化的一个因素。最近,采矿活动的加剧是社会和经济变化的一个特殊原因。这些情况导致对人与土地的关系进行了政治和宗教上的重新评估。本文着重于文学和音乐方面的干预(尤其是本文的第一部分是说唱音乐,而下半部分则是G. Mend-Ooyo的文学作品),这些干预引起了人们对这种与环境的不断变化的关注,该文章将其描绘为潜在的破裂。我们探索这些方法如何驯化深层时间,将个人历史嵌套在景观的时间深度内,以及对时间的传记,神话和地质学的理解。然而,我们然后看到,这种驯化如何受到切断人民与土地之间关系的发展的威胁,导致令人不安的前景是,在荒凉的深渊中搁浅。