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Zoological pioneer: was the Mughal Emperor Jahangir the first scientist to describe a Madagascan lemur?
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region Pub Date : 2019-12-06 , DOI: 10.1080/19480881.2019.1699751
Peter J. Jarman 1

ABSTRACT The Mughal emperor Jahangir (reigned 1605–1627) was a knowledgeable naturalist with a keen interest in exotic fauna. In 1612 C.E. a strange primate was obtained from the Portuguese in Goa and brought to his court. The emperor’s written description of the animal and a contemporary painting suggest it was a lemur and therefore from Madagascar. Although many animals from the Moluccas and several from eastern Africa reached Jahangir, this is the only Madagascan animal to do so. Jahangir’s careful description of the animal and an illustration commissioned for his memoirs pre-date European scientific descriptions by a dozen years and reveal Jahangir as a fore-runner of comparative, descriptive zoology.



摘要 莫卧儿皇帝贾汉吉尔(1605 年至 1627 年在位)是一位知识渊博的博物学家,对外来动物群有着浓厚的兴趣。公元 1612 年,一只奇怪的灵长类动物从果阿的葡萄牙人那里得到,并被带到他的宫廷。皇帝对这只动物的书面描述和一幅当代绘画表明它是一只狐猴,因此来自马达加斯加。尽管来自摩鹿加群岛的许多动物和来自东非的一些动物到达了贾汉吉尔,但这是马达加斯加唯一这样做的动物。贾汉吉尔对动物的仔细描述和为他的回忆录委托制作的插图比欧洲科学描述早了十几年,并揭示了贾汉吉尔是比较性描述性动物学的先驱。