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The Merchants’ Saint: Thomas Becket among the Merchants of Hamburg
Journal of the British Archaeological Association Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.1080/00681288.2020.1787632
Jennifer Lee

A remarkable painted altarpiece in the Hamburger Kunsthalle serves as a valuable visual source for the character of devotion to St Thomas Becket in a 15th-century Hanseatic city. Commissioned from the artist Meister Francke by a guild of merchants known as the Englandfahrer, the altarpiece includes four panels depicting a narrative of St Thomas, of which two survive and two are known from an 18th-century engraving. One scene, unique among images of Becket, has previously been identified as an image of Louis VII’s pilgrimage, but is here identified as a posthumous appearance by St Thomas in a shipping port. These four scenes should not be viewed as a neutral re-narration of the saint’s written vitae, but rather as a set of images that link the saint to the contemporary concerns of the guild of merchants who commissioned the altarpiece.



汉堡艺术馆(Kamburger Kunsthalle)的一幅精美的彩绘祭坛像,是15世纪汉萨同盟城市对圣托马斯·贝克特(St Thomas Becket)奉献精神的宝贵视觉资源。该祭坛由艺术家梅斯特·弗兰克(Meister Francke)委托商人公会(Englandfahrer)委托创作,祭坛包括四幅画板,描绘了圣托马斯的叙述,其中两幅幸存下来,其中两幅是从18世纪的版画中得知的。一个场景在贝克特的图像中是独一无二的,以前被确定为路易七世朝圣的图像,但在这里被圣托马斯确定为在航运港口的遗体。这四个场景不应被视为对圣徒书面履历的中立叙述,而应被视为将圣徒与委托祭坛的商人行会的当代关注联系在一起的一组图像。
