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Sacred Signs in Reformation Scotland: Interpreting Worship, 1488–1590
Journal of the British Archaeological Association Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00681288.2017.1366744
Miles Kerr-Peterson

1. J. Bialostocki, ‘Late Gothic: Disagreements about the Concept’, JBAA, 29 (1966), 76–105. 2. E. M. Kavaler, ‘The Jubé of Mons and the Renaissance in the Netherlands’, Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek, 45 (1994), 349–81. For a full listing of his articles on the subject, see Renaissance Gothic, 307. 3. The quote comes from an interview in G. Charbonnier ed., Entretiens avec Claude Lévi-Strauss (Paris 1961), 69–72. 4. E. M. Kavaler, ‘Renaissance Gothic: Pictures of Geometry and Narratives of Ornament’, Art History, 29 (2006), 1–46. 5. For one of the first of many articles on the subject, see F. Pereda, ‘La Puerta de los Leones de la catedral de Toledo: una interpretación en clave litúrgica y funeraria’, in Grabkunst und Sepulkralkultur in Spanien und Portugal, ed. B. Borngässer Klein, H. Karge and B. Klein (Frankfurt am Main and Madrid 2006), 155–90. More recently see, for example, B. Alonso Ruiz coord., 1514: Arquitectos tardogóticos en la encrucijada (Seville 2016). 6. L.-P. Gachard, Collection des voyages des souverains des Pays-Bas, I (Brussels and Hayez, 1876), 20. 7. M. Carruthers, The Experience of Beauty in the Middle Ages (Oxford 2013); P. Rubin, Images and Identity in Fifteenth-Century Florence (New Haven and London 2007), 43. 8. For example, see N. Jennings, ‘The Chapel of Contador Saldaña at Santa Clara de Tordesillas and the Fashioning of a Noble Identity by an Early Fifteenth-Century Converso’, Hispanic Research Journal, 20 (2016), 1–17. 9. R. Krautheimer, ‘Introduction to an “Iconography of Mediaeval Architecture”’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 5 (1942), 1–33; P. Crossley, ‘Medieval Architecture and Meaning: the Limits of Iconography’, The Burlington Magazine, 130.1019 (1988), 116–21.



1. J. Bialostocki,“晚期哥特式:对概念的分歧”,《美国青年律师协会》,29(1966),76-105。2. EM卡瓦勒(EM Kavaler),“荷兰的蒙斯与文艺复兴”,荷兰内德兰兹艺术史Jaarboek,45(1994),349–81。有关他在该主题上的文章的完整列表,请参阅哥特式复兴文学杂志,第307页。3.引言摘自G. Charbonnier编辑,Entretiens avec ClaudeLévi-Strauss(巴黎,1961年),第69-72页。4. EM卡瓦勒(EM Kavaler),“哥特式复兴:装饰物的几何图形和叙事”,《艺术史》,第29期(2006),1-46。5.有关该主题的第一篇文章之一,请参见F. Pereda的《托莱多的大教堂》,载于西班牙和葡萄牙的Grabkunst und Sepulkralkultur,主编。 。B.BorngässerKlein,H。Karge和B.Klein(2006年,美因河畔法兰克福和马德里),155–90。最近,例如,见B.Alonso Ruiz坐标,1514年:《 Arquitectostardogóticosen la encrucijada》(塞维利亚,2016年)。6. L.-P. Gachard,《远征Bas的远航》,布鲁塞尔,1876年,第20页。7. M. Carruthers,《中世纪的美感》(牛津,2013年)。P. Rubin,《十五世纪佛罗伦萨的图像与身份》(New Haven和London,2007年),第43页。8.例如,请参见N. Jennings,“圣塔克拉拉·托德西利亚斯的ContadorSaldaña教堂和贵族身份的塑造”由十五世纪早期的Converso'撰写,《西班牙研究杂志》,第20期,2016年,第1-17页。9. R.克劳特海默(R. Krautheimer),““中世纪建筑学”概论”,《华堡和考塔尔德学院学报》,第5卷(1942年),第1至33页;P. Crossley,“中世纪建筑与意义:肖像学的局限性”,