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Placing empire: travel and the sociological imagination in imperial Japan
Journal of Tourism History Pub Date : 2019-05-04 , DOI: 10.1080/1755182x.2019.1616404
John L. Hennessey 1

the idealism of those who saw in tourism a vehicle for enhancing world peace is correctly honoured in this book. The purpose of the History of the European Travel Commission is to highlight the achievements of the ETC, which it does well and in a balanced way. By the 1990s, issues such as sustainability had become increasingly obvious. The ETC responded by setting up a working group in 1991 devoted to the relationship of tourism and the environment and issuing a statement calling for mutual support by tourism and environmental interests the following year (p. 85). Given the nature of this book, however, issues that have been more broadly raised recently, such as sustainability and the relationships between tourists and locals, are touched on only briefly if at all. Richly illustrated with photos of tourist brochures and relevant charts, as well as timelines and summaries of the chapters and interviews with ETC officials, the History of the European Travel Commission is an invaluable source for those interested in the development of the tourism industry in Europe during the last seventy years. In concluding, the authors note: ‘Since its inception, the ETC has focused on three major fields of activity: marketing, research, and advocacy’ (p. 103). Given the exponential growth of tourism in Europe since the war, it is fair to say that the ETC has been successful in accomplishing its mission, although as the authors suggest (p. 105), it is difficult to tell to what degree the organisation contributed to the post-war tourism boom.



那些认为旅游业是促进世界和平的工具的人的理想主义在这本书中得到了正确的尊重。欧洲旅行委员会历史的目的是突出 ETC 的成就,它做得很好并且以一种平衡的方式。到 1990 年代,可持续性等问题变得越来越明显。作为回应,ETC 于 1991 年成立了一个专门研究旅游业与环境关系的工作组,并于次年发表声明呼吁旅游业和环境利益相互支持(第 85 页)。然而,鉴于本书的性质,最近被更广泛提出的问题,例如可持续性和游客与当地人之间的关系,如果有的话也只是简短地涉及。用旅游手册和相关图表的照片丰富地说明,除了时间线和章节摘要以及对 ETC 官员的采访,欧洲旅行委员会的历史对于那些对过去 70 年来欧洲旅游业的发展感兴趣的人来说是一个非常宝贵的资源。最后,作者指出:“自成立以来,ETC 一直专注于三个主要活动领域:营销、研究和宣传”(第 103 页)。鉴于战后欧洲旅游业呈指数级增长,可以说 ETC 成功完成了其使命,尽管正如作者所建议的(第 105 页),很难说该组织在多大程度上做出了贡献战后旅游业的繁荣。对于那些对过去七十年来欧洲旅游业的发展感兴趣的人来说,欧洲旅游委员会的历史是一个宝贵的资源。最后,作者指出:“自成立以来,ETC 一直专注于三个主要活动领域:营销、研究和宣传”(第 103 页)。鉴于战后欧洲旅游业呈指数级增长,可以说 ETC 成功完成了其使命,尽管正如作者所建议的(第 105 页),很难说该组织在多大程度上做出了贡献战后旅游业的繁荣。对于那些对过去七十年来欧洲旅游业的发展感兴趣的人来说,欧洲旅游委员会的历史是一个宝贵的资源。最后,作者指出:“自成立以来,ETC 一直专注于三个主要活动领域:营销、研究和宣传”(第 103 页)。鉴于战后欧洲旅游业呈指数级增长,可以说 ETC 成功完成了其使命,尽管正如作者所建议的(第 105 页),很难说该组织在多大程度上做出了贡献战后旅游业的繁荣。103)。鉴于战后欧洲旅游业呈指数级增长,可以说 ETC 成功完成了其使命,尽管正如作者所建议的(第 105 页),很难说该组织在多大程度上做出了贡献战后旅游业的繁荣。103)。鉴于战后欧洲旅游业呈指数级增长,可以说 ETC 成功完成了其使命,尽管正如作者所建议的(第 105 页),很难说该组织在多大程度上做出了贡献战后旅游业的繁荣。