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Secondary Science Teachers’ Pedagogical Design Capacities for Multicultural Curriculum Design
Journal of Science Teacher Education Pub Date : 2020-05-05 , DOI: 10.1080/1046560x.2020.1756588
Julie C. Brown 1 , Illana C. Livstrom 2

ABSTRACT While multicultural teaching strategies show promise in meeting the educational needs of ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse students, science teachers often leave traditional preparation programs with little-to-no exposure to such practices. As there are few resources around multicultural science education, teachers must develop a strong pedagogical design capacity—the ability to appropriately identify and mobilize curricular and personal resources—for constructing multicultural curricula for their students. This explanatory case study describes the curriculum design processes of beginning in-service secondary science teachers as they redesigned their own curriculum units with stronger multicultural science connections than originally present. Primary data sources included teachers’ original and final science curriculum units and daily curriculum-writing reflections. Data were analyzed using mixed methods, including deductive coding based on James Banks’ typologies of multicultural content integration. Results indicate that the increase in multicultural content integration from teachers’ original to final science units was significant. Thematic analysis revealed four design moves made by the teachers: (1) Creating student-centered instruction from student input, (2) Increasing opportunities for collaboration, (3) Integrating cultural and community sources of knowledge, and (4) Situating science lessons within sociopolitical contexts. The number of design moves made and resources utilized were positively associated with the multicultural connections present in teachers’ final curricula. Implications are provided to support teachers in designing multicultural science experiences.



摘要 虽然多元文化教学策略在满足种族、文化和语言多样化学生的教育需求方面显示出前景,但科学教师通常很少或根本没有接触过传统的准备课程。由于围绕多元文化科学教育的资源很少,教师必须培养强大的教学设计能力——适当识别和调动课程和个人资源的能力——为学生构建多元文化课程。这个解释性案例研究描述了在职中学科学教师的课程设计过程,因为他们重新设计了自己的课程单元,使其具有比原来更强大的多元文化科学联系。主要数据来源包括教师的原始和最终科学课程单元以及日常课程编写反思。使用混合方法分析数据,包括基于 James Banks 的多元文化内容整合类型的演绎编码。结果表明,从教师原始科学单元到最终科学单元的多元文化内容整合的增加是显着的。主题分析揭示了教师的四个设计举措:(1) 根据学生的意见创建以学生为中心的教学,(2) 增加合作机会,(3) 整合文化和社区知识来源,以及 (4) 将科学课程置于社会政治背景。设计动作的数量和资源的利用与教师最终课程中存在的多元文化联系呈正相关。