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Using Teaching Rehearsals to Prepare Preservice Teachers for Explanation-Driven Science Instruction
Journal of Science Teacher Education Pub Date : 2020-01-21 , DOI: 10.1080/1046560x.2020.1712047
Heidi Masters 1

ABSTRACT Within two sections of science methods for elementary and middle-school teachers, an embedded, multi-case study design was employed to explore whether teaching rehearsals would better prepare preservice teachers (PSTs) to implement explanation-driven science instruction. A teaching rehearsal allows PSTs to practice teaching a segment of their lesson and receive in the moment feedback and an opportunity to redo instruction before implementing a lesson with children. One section (or case) engaged in a teaching rehearsal before implementing their first science lesson in their field experience classroom. They practiced how to support children with organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data, introduce the Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning (CER) framework, and guide students through the process of constructing a scientific explanation. The other section (or case) did not engage in a teaching rehearsal. All PSTs in the teaching rehearsal group were able to successfully engage students in a sense-making discussion to identify patterns in the data, introduce the CER framework, and support students in collaboratively forming a claim as well as multiple pieces of evidence. These findings are contrary to the non-teaching rehearsal group where an in-depth discussion of the data occurred when providing evidence to support a claim. As a result, some inaccurate or incomplete claims were constructed and supported by vague evidence. Both groups struggled to support students through the process of constructing a reasoning statement that fully justified the claim and evidence. These results demonstrate that teaching rehearsals help prepare PSTs to implement several aspects of an explanation-driven science lesson.



摘要 在中小学教师科学方法的两个部分中,采用嵌入式、多案例研究设计来探索教学排练是否能更好地准备职前教师 (PST) 实施解释驱动的科学教学。教学排练允许 PST 练习教授他们课程的一部分,并在与儿童一起上课之前立即获得反馈和重做教学的机会。一个部分(或案例)在他们的实地体验教室中实施他们的第一节科学课之前进行了教学排练。他们练习如何支持孩子组织、分析和解释数据,介绍声明、证据和推理 (CER) 框架,并指导学生完成构建科学解释的过程。另一部分(或案例)没有进行教学排练。教学排练组中的所有 PST 都能够成功地让学生参与有意义的讨论,以识别数据中的模式,介绍 CER 框架,并支持学生协作形成声明和多个证据。这些发现与非教学排练组相反,在非教学排练组中,在提供证据支持索赔时对数据进行了深入讨论。结果,一些不准确或不完整的主张被构建并得到了模糊证据的支持。两组都努力通过构建推理陈述的过程来支持学生,以充分证明主张和证据的合理性。