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In the Classrooms of Newly Hired Secondary Science Teachers: The Consequences of Teaching In-field or Out-of-field
Journal of Science Teacher Education Pub Date : 2020-09-29 , DOI: 10.1080/1046560x.2020.1800195
Jessica B. Napier 1 , Julie A. Luft 1 , Harleen Singh 1

ABSTRACT Science teachers must sometimes teach outside of their expertise, and this type of teaching assignment is referred to as being out-of-field. Among newly hired teachers, this type of assignment may have a detrimental impact in the development of their instruction. This study explored the classroom instruction of 17 newly hired teachers who were teaching both in-field and out-of-field in the physical sciences during their first three years. Data were collected from the teachers that consisted of four yearly observations of their instruction (a total of 12 observations), yearly interviews about their experiences (four total), and monthly interviews pertaining to their instruction (eight each year, for a total of 24). Narratives were constructed for each teacher that depicted their instruction over time, with reference to their teaching in-field or out-of-field subjects. The narratives were compared to one another to determine how their classroom instruction was shaped by teaching in-field or out-of-field. The findings of the study revealed that teaching out-of-field during the first year was an additional instructional challenge, which compounded the already difficult first few years of teaching. In addition, the findings revealed that out-of-field teaching resulted in isolated instructional scientific practices—regardless of the years of experience. These findings suggest that newly hired science teachers teaching out-of-field are more at risk of not cultivating their science instruction than are their in-field counterparts. The results of this study indicate that more research is needed about out-of-field teaching in science subjects.



摘要 科学教师有时必须在他们的专业知识之外进行教学,这种类型的教学任务被称为领域外。在新聘任的教师中,这种类型的任务可能会对他们的教学发展产生不利影响。本研究探讨了 17 名新聘教师的课堂教学,他们在前三年从事物理科学领域内和外领域的教学。从教师那里收集的数据包括每年对其教学的四次观察(总共 12 次观察)、关于他们经历的年度访谈(总共四次)以及与他们的教学有关的月度访谈(每年八次,总共 24 )。为每位教师构建了描述他们随时间推移的教学的叙述,参考他们在领域内或领域外的教学。将这些叙述相互比较,以确定他们的课堂教学是如何通过现场或场外教学形成的。研究结果表明,在第一年的外地教学是一个额外的教学挑战,它加剧了最初几年已经很困难的教学。此外,研究结果表明,无论多年的经验如何,场外教学导致了孤立的教学科学实践。这些发现表明,与现场同行相比,新聘用的在外教的科学教师更有可能无法培养他们的科学教学。这项研究的结果表明,需要对科学学科的外场教学进行更多的研究。