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Workshop Training to Facilitate Parent-Child Instructional Opportunities for Reading and Social Development with Kindergarten Students
Journal of Research in Childhood Education Pub Date : 2020-03-28 , DOI: 10.1080/02568543.2020.1736218
Katherine R. Wood 1 , Eileen Wood 1 , Alexandra Gottardo 1 , Karin Archer 1 , Robert Savage 2 , Noëlla Piquette 3


This study provided workshops for parents on either early literacy or socio-emotional learning to examine the impact on their children’s reading and social skills development (n = 576 parents; n = 584 children). Parents of kindergartners were offered interactive workshops designed to help them identify everyday opportunities to support reading skills or social skills development. Families were randomly assigned by school to workshops on one of three topics: (1) traditional text reading, (2) traditional text reading with computer-assisted learning opportunities, and (3) social-emotional learning. As expected, academic performance improved over time across all conditions. Additional gains were detected on specific language and literacy measures among children in both reading conditions whose parents attended the workshops in comparison to children of parents who did not attend. Gains were observed on academic measures for children in the socio-emotional condition relative to children in the reading conditions. Findings suggest that parental involvement in instructional workshops on early literacy and social development may have significant effects for children’s academic success. This study provides evidence for the potential of involving parents in their children’s educational interventions as a valuable addition to or alternative to traditional child-directed intervention programs to increase positive outcomes, reduce costs, and enhance parental efficacy.




这项研究为父母提供了有关早期识字或社会情感学习的讲习班,以检查对孩子阅读和社交技能发展的影响(n = 576 名父母;n = 584 名儿童)。为幼儿园家长提供互动研讨会,旨在帮助他们发现支持阅读技能或社交技能发展的日常机会。学校随机分配家庭参加以下三个主题之一的研讨会:(1)传统文本阅读,(2)具有计算机辅助学习机会的传统文本阅读,以及(3)社会情感学习。正如预期的那样,随着时间的推移,所有条件下的学习成绩都有所提高。与没有参加研讨会的父母的孩子相比,在两种阅读条件下,父母参加了研讨会的儿童在特定语言和识字措施方面取得了额外的进步。相对于阅读条件下的儿童​​,在社会情感条件下的儿童​​的学业测量上观察到了收益。研究结果表明,父母参与有关早期识字和社会发展的教学研讨会可能对儿童的学业成功产生重大影响。这项研究提供了证据,证明让父母参与其子女的教育干预是对传统的以儿童为导向的干预计划的宝贵补充或替代方案,以增加积极成果、降低成本和提高父母效率。相对于阅读条件下的儿童​​,在社会情感条件下的儿童​​的学业测量上观察到了收益。研究结果表明,父母参与有关早期识字和社会发展的教学研讨会可能对儿童的学业成功产生重大影响。这项研究提供了证据,证明让父母参与其子女的教育干预是对传统的以儿童为导向的干预计划的宝贵补充或替代方案,以增加积极成果、降低成本和提高父母效率。相对于阅读条件下的儿童​​,在社会情感条件下的儿童​​的学业测量上观察到了收益。研究结果表明,父母参与有关早期识字和社会发展的教学研讨会可能对儿童的学业成功产生重大影响。这项研究提供了证据,证明让父母参与其子女的教育干预是对传统的以儿童为导向的干预计划的宝贵补充或替代方案,以增加积极成果、降低成本和提高父母效率。研究结果表明,父母参与有关早期识字和社会发展的教学研讨会可能对儿童的学业成功产生重大影响。这项研究提供了证据,证明让父母参与其子女的教育干预是对传统的以儿童为导向的干预计划的宝贵补充或替代方案,以增加积极成果、降低成本和提高父母效率。研究结果表明,父母参与有关早期识字和社会发展的教学研讨会可能对儿童的学业成功产生重大影响。这项研究提供了证据,证明让父母参与其子女的教育干预是对传统的以儿童为导向的干预计划的宝贵补充或替代方案,以增加积极成果、降低成本和提高父母效率。
