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“Whoa… Welcome to America!”: Supporting Refugee Background Students’ Socioemotional Well-Being, English Language Development, and Content Area Learning
Journal of Research in Childhood Education Pub Date : 2020-03-31 , DOI: 10.1080/02568543.2020.1734697
Sarah N. Newcomer 1 , Yuliya Ardasheva 1 , Judith A. Morrison 1 , Gisela Ernst-Slavit 1 , Steven J. Morrison 1 , Kira J. Carbonneau 1 , Lindsay K. Lightner 1


In this qualitative case study, we draw from a larger, federally funded, multiyear study focused on preparing teachers to work with English language learners, which includes an increasing population of refugee background students. We report on the experiences and perspectives of two experienced upper elementary teachers teaching in a magnet school for refugee students, who make up 75% of the school’s population. The school is in a medium-sized school district in southeastern Washington State. Applying a culturally responsive, humanizing pedagogical perspective to our analysis of interviews, observations, and artifacts, a number of themes describing similar and different ways the teachers supported their students’ socioemotional well-being and learning emerged. The main similarities included: (1) opening up space for students to share their personal experiences; (2) partnering with families in support of cross-cultural understandings; and (3) scaffolding instruction, especially through modeling, schema building, and contextualizing. The main differences included: (1) approaches to relationship-building (focus on teacher-student versus student-student support systems), (2) ways of relating to students’ personal lives and background experiences (primary reliance on in- versus out-of-school support systems), and (3) differentiating for the varying levels of English language proficiency (e.g., differences in native language use).




在这个定性案例研究中,我们借鉴了一项更大的、由联邦政府资助的多年研究,重点是让教师为与英语学习者一起工作做好准备,其中包括越来越多的难民背景学生。我们报告了两位经验丰富的小学高年级教师在难民学生磁铁学校教学的经验和观点,他们占学校人口的 75%。学校位于华盛顿州东南部的一个中等规模的学区。将文化响应性、人性化的教学视角应用于我们对访谈、观察和人工制品的分析,出现了许多描述教师支持学生社会情感福祉和学习的相似和不同方式的主题。主要的相似之处包括:(1) 为学生提供分享个人经历的空间;(2) 与家庭合作支持跨文化理解;(3) 脚手架教学,特别是通过建模、模式构建和情境化。主要差异包括:(1)建立关系的方法(侧重于师生支持系统与学生-学生支持系统),(2)与学生个人生活和背景经历相关的方式(主要依赖于内部和外部)校外支持系统),以及 (3) 区分不同水平的英语语言能力(例如,母语使用的差异)。
