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Investigating the effect of creative storytelling on enhanced creativity of preschool students in Iran
Journal of Poetry Therapy Pub Date : 2018-08-07 , DOI: 10.1080/08893675.2018.1504706
Soran Rajabi 1 , Abdol Rasool Khosravi 2 , Mojdeh Khodabakhshi 3

ABSTRACT The current study examined the efficacy of creative storytelling on enhancing the creativity of preschool students. Using a randomized waitlist control design, 34 students were randomly allocated to a training or waitlist condition and completed pre- and post-training assessments of either of four tools: two images for story-building, one image for drawing, and a verbal question. Students in the intervention group were observed to participate actively in storytelling sessions, with further interest in stories at latter sessions. Creativity enhancement was seen to be independent of gender. Boy and girl students in the intervention group indicating a significant relationship between creative storytelling and enhancement of creative thinking. To be noted by psychologists, libertarians, and school and library managers, the results may emphasize the value of storytelling and bibliotherapy for students.



摘要 目前的研究检验了创造性讲故事对提高学龄前学生创造力的功效。使用随机候补名单控制设计,34 名学生被随机分配到培训或候补名单条件,并完成了四种工具之一的培训前和培训后评估:两张用于故事构建的图像、一张用于绘画的图像和一个口头问题。观察到干预组的学生积极参与讲故事的课程,在后面的课程中对故事更感兴趣。创造力增强被认为与性别无关。干预组的男生和女生表明创造性讲故事和增强创造性思维之间存在显着关系。心理学家、自由主义者、学校和图书馆管理人员注意到,