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Reclaiming an Irish National Hero: Seamus De Búrca’s Biography of Peadar Kearney, The Soldier’s Song (1957)
Journal of Musicological Research Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1080/01411896.2019.1643244
Richard Parfitt 1

ABSTRACT Analyses of musical biography have, understandably, largely focused on well-known composers with an established place in the national myth. To explain why particular events or individuals become incorporated into national narratives, historical research on memory has increasingly turned to the analysis of both forgetting and remembering. Likewise, biographical studies must look beyond great composers to those not deemed worthy of the national myth. Irish playwright Seamus de Búrca attempted to create a canonical space in the national myth for his uncle, Peadar Kearney (O Cearnaigh), in a biography he titled The Soldier’s Song: The Story of Peadar O Cearnaigh. From an Irish nationalist family, de Búrca revered Kearney, a nationalist revolutionary and lyricist of the national anthem, “The Soldier’s Song.” The biography was, however, strikingly unsuccessful, and Kearney remains largely forgotten. A reception history of de Búrca’s biography and an analysis of why Ireland’s national narrative excluded Kearney facilitates an understanding of its ideological underpinnings. A study of de Búrca’s work indicates the value of looking beyond biography itself, not only to reception but to commemoration and processes of social and institutional forgetting.


重振爱尔兰民族英雄:Seamus De Búrca 的 Peadar Kearney 传记,士兵之歌 (1957)

可以理解,对音乐传记的分析主要集中在在民族神话中占有一席之地的著名作曲家。为了解释为什么特定事件或个人被纳入国家叙事,对记忆的历史研究越来越转向对遗忘和记忆的分析。同样,传记研究必须超越伟大的作曲家,着眼于那些被认为不配成为民族神话的人。爱尔兰剧作家西莫斯·德·布尔卡 (Seamus de Búrca) 试图在他的叔叔皮达尔·科尔尼 (O Cearnaigh) 的国家神话中创造一个规范的空间,他在一部名为《士兵之歌:皮达尔·科尔尼 (Peadar O Cearnaigh)》的传记中。来自爱尔兰民族主义家庭,德布尔卡崇敬科尔尼,一位民族主义革命者和国歌“士兵之歌”的作词人。然而,传记是 非常不成功,科尔尼在很大程度上仍然被遗忘。de Búrca 传记的接受历史以及对爱尔兰民族叙事为何将科尔尼排除在外的分析有助于理解其意识形态基础。对 de Búrca 作品的研究表明超越传记本身的价值,不仅是接受,而且是纪念以及社会和制度遗忘的过程。