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Patterns of Asthma Medication Use across the Transition to High School
Journal of Pediatric Psychology ( IF 3.624 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-15 , DOI: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsab001
Elizabeth L McQuaid 1 , Sheryl J Kopel 2 , Ronald Seifer 3 , Alayna Tackett 4 , Michael Farrow 5 , Daphne Koinis-Mitchell 1 , Shira Dunsiger 6

Objective Adherence to asthma controller medications is suboptimal among adolescents. We evaluated predictors of adherence and longitudinal patterns of medication use between 8th and 10th grade among a sample of youth of diverse race/ethnicity. Methods Eighth graders with asthma on controller medications (N = 62; 40.0% non-Latino white; 23.7% Black; 37.3% Latino; 37.3% female) completed measures of medication beliefs, responsibility for asthma management, and family cohesion. Objective methods tracked medication use longitudinally. Results Adherence declined during the high school transition, from 48.0% in eighth grade to 34.1% in tenth grade (F = 5.35, p < .01). Males had lower adherence (b = −10.11, SE = 5.37, p = .02, f2 = 0.11), as did Latino youth (b = −12.21, SE = 8.23, p = .03, f2 = 0.12). Family cohesion was associated with higher adherence (b = 4.38, SE = 1.98, p = .04, f2 = 0.06). Latent class models (LCMs) suggested a three-class model of longitudinal adherence patterns. This included low, declining adherence (Class 1 = 29%; higher proportion male, p = .02), high, sustained adherence (Class 2 = 26%, high family cohesion, p = .05, higher proportion female, p = .02), and low, sustained adherence (Class 3 = 45%; higher proportion Latino, p = .05, higher proportion male, p = .02). Conclusions Asthma medication adherence declined between 8th and 10th grade. LCMs indicated some youth have stable patterns of adherence (high or low), whereas others demonstrate declines. Gender differences were observed, and family cohesion was associated with higher, sustained adherence. Interventions building on family resources and targeting the barriers adolescents face are necessary to improve asthma management during this vulnerable period.



目的 青少年对哮喘控制药物的依从性欠佳。我们在不同种族/民族的青年样本中评估了 8 至 10 年级之间药物使用依从性和纵向模式的预测因素。方法 使用控制药物治疗哮喘的八年级学生(N = 62;40.0% 非拉丁裔白人;23.7% 黑人;37.3% 拉丁裔;37.3% 女性)完成了药物信念、哮喘管理责任和家庭凝聚力的测量。客观方法纵向跟踪药物使用情况。结果 在高中过渡期间,依从性下降,从八年级的 48.0% 下降到十年级的 34.1% (F = 5.35, p < .01)。男性的依从性较低(b = -10.11,SE = 5.37,p = .02,f2 = 0.11),拉丁裔青年也是如此(b = -12.21,SE = 8.23,p = .03,f2 = 0.12)。家庭凝聚力与更高的依从性相关(b = 4.38,SE = 1.98,p = .04,f2 = 0.06)。潜在类模型 (LCMs) 提出了纵向粘附模式的三类模型。这包括低、下降的依从性(1 级 = 29%;较高比例的男性,p = .02)、高、持续的依从性(2 级 = 26%,高家庭凝聚力,p = .05,较高比例的女性,p = .02) 02),以及低的持续依从性(3 级 = 45%;拉丁裔比例较高,p = .05,男性比例较高,p = .02)。结论 哮喘药物依从性在 8 至 10 年级之间下降。LCM 表明,一些年轻人的依从性模式稳定(高或低),而另一些则表现出下降。观察到性别差异,家庭凝聚力与更高的持续依从性相关。