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Prevalence of airborne fungal spores in two potato warehouses with different storage conditions
Aerobiologia ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10453-021-09691-x
Laura Meno , Olga Escuredo , Maria Shantal Rodríguez-Flores , Maria Carmen Seijo

Potatoes production is the main source of income in A Limia (Northwest Spain). Most of the potatoes harvest is stored in piles in farmer´s warehouses without systems to control temperature and relative humidity and only a few industries have storage facilities with cooling systems. This study constitutes an approach to detecting fungal spores present inside potato warehouses and the influence of the environmental conditions on the prevalence of the different types of fungi. The most common spores were Cladosporium and Aspergillus/Penicillium representing more than 94% of the identified spores of fungi. However, some potential fungal potato pathogens such as Alternaria, Helminthosporium, Fusarium and Phytophthora were also detected. In the warehouse without control of the storage conditions, the most represented fungal spores were from Cladosporium followed by Aspergillus/Penicillium, Helminthosporium and Alternaria whereas during storage with cooling conditions, the most abundant were Aspergillus/Penicillium, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Helminthosporium and Leptosphaeria. The results showed a close relationship between the storage conditions and the levels of some identified fungi. The low representation of pathogenic fungi Alternaria and Helminthosporium stood out in the facilities with cooling systems. Monitoring of airborne elements during potato storage could be useful tool for detecting the presence of potato pathogens in the environment and taking management decisions to avoid economic losses.



马铃薯生产是A Limia(西班牙西北部)的主要收入来源。大部分收获的马铃薯都堆放在农民的仓库中,没有任何控制温度和相对湿度的系统,只有少数几个行业设有带冷却系统的存储设施。这项研究构成了一种检测马铃薯仓库中存在的真菌孢子以及环境条件对不同类型真菌流行率的影响的方法。最常见的孢子是枝孢菌曲霉/青霉菌,占已鉴定真菌孢子的94%以上。然而,一些潜在的真菌马铃薯病原体,如链格孢蠕虫镰刀菌疫霉菌也被发现。在不受保存条件控制的仓库中,真菌孢子的最主要来源是枝孢菌,其次是曲霉/青霉菌,蠕霉菌,而在冷却条件下的储存中,最丰富的是曲霉菌/青霉菌枝孢菌镰刀菌孢子。结果表明,储存条件和某些已鉴定真菌的含量之间存在密切关系。致病性真菌链格孢菌的低表达长蠕与冷却系统的设备中脱颖而出。在马铃薯储存期间对空气中的元素进行监测可能是检测环境中马铃薯病原体的存在并做出管理决策以避免经济损失的有用工具。
