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The Upper Palaeolithic at Trenčianske Bohuslavice, Western Carpathians, Slovakia
Journal of Field Archaeology Pub Date : 2020-03-09 , DOI: 10.1080/00934690.2020.1733334
Jarosław Wilczyński 1 , Ondrej Žaár 2 , Adrián Nemergut 3 , Bernadeta Kufel-Diakowska 4 , Magdalena Moskal-del Hoyo 5 , Przemysław Mroczek 6 , Barna Páll-Gergely 7 , Tomasz Oberc 8 , György Lengyel 9

ABSTRACT Trenčianske Bohuslavice Gravettian site has been known since the early 1980s, with possibly the longest sequence of Upper Palaeolithic human occupation in the region, including a peculiar assemblage of lithic tools composed of bifacial leaf points. This paper presents the results of the 2017 excavation season that produced new data on the absolute chronology, stratigraphy, paleobotany, archaeology, and archaeozoology of the site. We found that the earliest occupation most probably belongs to the Aurignacian. This is followed by two Late Gravettian layers and the layer that yielded the bifacial leaf points. An Early Epigravettian layer dated to 26 kya seals the sequence. The succession of biological remains and geological evidence enabled the reconstruction of a cooling climate and disappearing boreal forest, which corresponded well with the development of the Last Glacial Maximum.



摘要TrenčianskeBohuslavice Gravettian遗址自1980年代初以来就广为人知,可能是该地区上古旧石器时代人类居住的最长序列,包括由两面叶尖组成的独特的石器工具组合。本文介绍了2017年开挖季节的结果,这些结果产生了有关该地点的绝对年代,地层学,古植物学,考古学和考古学的新数据。我们发现最早的职业很可能属于奥里尼亚克人。接下来是两个Gravettian晚期层和产生双面叶片点的层。日期为26 kya的Early Epigravettian层封印了该序列。生物遗骸的继承和地质证据使重建凉爽的气候和消失的北方森林成为可能,