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Immigrant and refugee youth and families: research and practice
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work Pub Date : 2020-05-03 , DOI: 10.1080/15313204.2020.1732599
Mo Yee Lee 1

United States has been named as a nation of immigrants although the composition of immigrants has changed over the years from primarily immigrants from European countries to currently countries around the globe. The Displaced Persons Act of 1948 afterWorldWar II also allows refugees to come to the US. Based on statistics provided by U.S. Department of Homeland Security 2018 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (2020a), since 2001, there were slightly over one million immigrants who were granted permanent resident status every year with the exception of 2003, 2004 and 2013 where slightly less than one million immigrants were granted permanent residency. Between 2001 and 2018, a total of 1,013,379 refugees have arrived in the US with the largest number of arrivals in 2016 (84,988) and lowest number of arrivals in 2018 (22,405) (U.S Department of Homeland Security, 2020b). One of the common challenges encountered by immigrant and refugee families and youth is to successfully resettle and integrate into the host country, which is culturally different than their country of origin. Depending on the context of migration, families and youth usually face additional challenges ranging from language, employment, education, healthcare accessibility, integration, discrimination, etc. This special issue focuses on research that seek to understand different issues experienced by immigrant and refugees families and youth as well as programs that were implemented to effectively serve this populations.



尽管移民的构成多年来从主要来自欧洲国家的移民转变为目前的全球国家,但美国一直被称为移民国家。二战后 1948 年的《流离失所者法案》也允许难民来到美国。根据美国国土安全部 2018 年移民统计年鉴 (2020a) 提供的统计数据,自 2001 年以来,每年有超过 100 万移民获得永久居民身份,除了 2003、2004 和 2013 年略低于100万移民获得了永久居留权。2001 年至 2018 年,共有 1,013,379 名难民抵达美国,其中 2016 年入境人数最多(84,988 人),2018 年入境人数最少(22,405 人)。S 国土安全部,2020b)。移民和难民家庭和青年遇到的共同挑战之一是成功重新安置并融入东道国,东道国在文化上与他们的原籍国不同。根据移民的背景,家庭和青年通常面临语言、就业、教育、医疗保健可及性、融合、歧视等方面的额外挑战。 本期特刊侧重于旨在了解移民和难民家庭所经历的不同问题的研究,以及以及为有效服务这些人群而实施的计划。这在文化上与他们的原籍国不同。根据移民的背景,家庭和青年通常面临语言、就业、教育、医疗保健可及性、融合、歧视等方面的额外挑战。 本期特刊侧重于旨在了解移民和难民家庭所经历的不同问题的研究,以及以及为有效服务这些人群而实施的计划。这在文化上与他们的原籍国不同。根据移民的背景,家庭和青年通常面临语言、就业、教育、医疗保健可及性、融合、歧视等方面的额外挑战。 本期特刊侧重于旨在了解移民和难民家庭所经历的不同问题的研究,以及以及为有效服务这些人群而实施的计划。