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The achievement of regulatory excellence in the oil and gas industry in Nigeria: the 2017 National Oil and Gas Policy
Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law ( IF 1.800 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-10 , DOI: 10.1080/02646811.2019.1620995
Chilenye Nwapi 1

This article critically assesses the regulatory landscape for oil and gas development proposed under the 2017 Nigeria gas and petroleum policies, which are together referred to as the Nigeria Oil and Gas Policy (NOGP) 2017, to highlight its capacity to lead to the achievement of regulatory excellence in the oil and gas industry in Nigeria. The assessment is based on a conceptual framework developed by the Penn Program on Regulation (PPR) at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 2015 to assist the Alberta Energy Regulator – the body responsible for regulating energy development in Alberta, Canada – to identify the best regulatory approach to overcome the challenges of regulating energy development in the province. The PPR framework is selected not only because it is based on a detailed and systematic review of earlier frameworks but also because it is the only framework prepared primarily for the energy sector, though its elements can be easily adapted to other sectors as well. The article’s central argument is that while the NOGP 2017 represents an important step forward in the efforts to effectively regulate the oil and gas industry, there are significant gaps in the regulatory landscape proposed in the policy for the achievement of regulatory excellence. The article identifies those gaps and notes, however, that the achievement of regulatory excellence depends considerably on the implementation framework adopted by the new yet-to-be-established regulator when it comes into operation.



本文严格评估了根据2017年尼日利亚天然气和石油政策提出的油气发展监管前景,该政策被统称为《尼日利亚石油和天然气政策(NOGP​​)2017》,以突出其实现监管的能力尼日利亚石油和天然气行业的卓越表现。该评估基于宾夕法尼亚大学法学院宾夕法尼亚大学法规计划(PPR)于2015年制定的概念框架,以帮助艾伯塔省能源监管机构(负责监管加拿大艾伯塔省能源发展的机构)确定最佳方案。克服监管该省能源发展挑战的监管方法。选择PPR框架不仅是因为它基于对较早框架的详细和系统的审查,还因为它是主要为能源部门准备的唯一框架,尽管它的要素也很容易适应其他部门。这篇文章的中心论点是,虽然NOGP 2017代表着有效监管石油和天然气行业迈出的重要一步,但为实现卓越监管而提出的监管构想仍存在巨大差距。本文指出了这些差距,并指出,卓越监管的实现很大程度上取决于新的尚待建立的监管机构在实施时所采用的实施框架。尽管它的元素也可以很容易地适应其他领域。这篇文章的中心论点是,虽然NOGP 2017代表着有效监管石油和天然气行业迈出的重要一步,但为实现卓越监管而提出的监管构想仍存在巨大差距。本文指出了这些差距,并指出,卓越监管的实现很大程度上取决于新的尚待建立的监管机构在实施时所采用的实施框架。尽管它的元素也可以很容易地适应其他领域。这篇文章的中心论点是,虽然NOGP 2017代表着有效监管石油和天然气行业迈出的重要一步,但为实现卓越监管而提出的监管构想仍存在巨大差距。本文指出了这些差距,并指出,卓越监管的实现很大程度上取决于新的尚待建立的监管机构在实施时所采用的实施框架。在实现卓越监管的政策中,监管领域存在很大差距。本文指出了这些差距,并指出,卓越监管的实现很大程度上取决于新的尚待建立的监管机构在实施时所采用的实施框架。在实现卓越监管的政策中,监管领域存在很大差距。本文指出了这些差距,并指出,卓越监管的实现很大程度上取决于新的尚待建立的监管机构在实施时所采用的实施框架。