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“Whoa. You Speak Mexican?”: Latina/o High School Students’ Sense of Belonging in Advanced Placement and Honors Classes
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR) Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10824669.2019.1570202
Peter Bjorklund 1

Abstract This qualitative study explored Latina/o students’ sense of belonging in majority White and Asian Advanced Placement (AP) and honors classes in a diverse suburban high school. Using self-determination theory as a framework, I focused on three aspects of sense of belonging: social belonging, teacher–student relationships, and academic belonging. Ten Latina/o tenth- and eleventh-grade students participated in classroom observations, guided journaling sessions, and interviews to capture their sense of belonging in AP and honors classes. Although all of the participants expressed a lack of sense of belonging, they reported that they leveraged their experiences to motivate themselves, increase their engagement, and build resilience.



摘要这项定性研究探讨了拉丁裔学生对白人和亚洲高级进修生(AP)多数的归属感,并为郊区一所多样化的中学开设了荣誉课程。以自决理论为框架,我关注了归属感的三个方面:社会归属感,师生关系和学术归属感。十名拉丁裔/ o十,十一年级学生参加了课堂观察,指导日记会议和访谈,以捕捉他们对AP和荣誉课程的归属感。尽管所有参与者都缺乏归属感,但他们报告说,他们利用自己的经验来激励自己,增加参与度并增强适应能力。