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Pre-emptive mobilities: Russian real estate abroad (the case of owners from Murmansk Region)
Acta Borealia Pub Date : 2016-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08003831.2016.1158583
Yulian Konstantinov , Inna Ryzhkova

ABSTRACT The article discusses mobilities connected with Russian real estate acquisition abroad during the post-Soviet decades. We take the specific case of Murmansk Region as a source location. Our main argument is that such mobilities are motivated to a significant extent by a search of risk-free destinations and thus reflect perception of insecurity at home. The empirical data reveal the predominantly post-Soviet middle class nature of this movement, as well as its trans-generational agenda. We claim that the movement is pre-emptive in the sense of establishing a foothold abroad in view of possible negative economic and political developments at home. Theorizing this phenomenon requires placing it in a politically informed and temporally extended perspective. We conclude that Russian real estate acquisition abroad reveals divergences between current ideological rhetoric of the political leadership, on the one hand, and preferred courses of action by the post-Soviet middle class, on the other hand.



摘要 本文讨论了后苏联时代与俄罗斯海外房地产收购相关的流动性。我们以摩尔曼斯克地区的具体情况作为源位置。我们的主要论点是,这种流动在很大程度上是出于寻找无风险目的地的动机,因此反映了对国内不安全感的看法。实证数据揭示了这场运动主要是后苏联中产阶级性质,以及它的跨代议程。我们声称,鉴于国内可能出现的负面经济和政治发展,从在国外建立立足点的意义上说,该运动是先发制人的。将这种现象理论化需要将其置于政治知情和时间扩展的角度。