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From the Field: Education Research During a Pandemic
Educational Researcher ( IF 6.386 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-07 , DOI: 10.3102/0013189x20938761
David DeMatthews 1 , David Knight 2 , Pedro Reyes 1 , Amber Benedict 3 , Rebecca Callahan 1

Education researchers have been impacted by COVID-19 as school closures interrupted ongoing education research, including clinical trials, case study and ethnographic inquiry in schools, and longitudinal studies using federal, state, or district administrative data. The recommendations we present here focus on immediate and future actions education researchers can take to support public health and educational institutions dealing with a pandemic. Clearly not exhaustive, our recommendations are intended to prompt the education research community to collectively consider how the field’s efforts can both inform the knowledge base and support frontline educators and health care researchers dealing with COVID-19.



教育研究人员受到 COVID-19 的影响,因为学校停课中断了正在进行的教育研究,包括临床试验、案例研究和学校的人种学调查,以及使用联邦、州或地区行政数据的纵向研究。我们在此提出的建议侧重于教育研究人员可以采取的近期和未来行动,以支持应对大流行的公共卫生和教育机构。显然,我们的建议并非详尽无遗,旨在促使教育研究界共同考虑该领域的努力如何既可以为知识库提供信息,又可以为应对 COVID-19 的一线教育工作者和医疗保健研究人员提供支持。