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Notorious Ben Hecht: Iconoclastic Writer and Militant Zionist
American Journalism Pub Date : 2019-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08821127.2019.1683423
Norma Fay Green 1

appealing because Michelson’s “performance of nonthreatening white femininity allowed her access to people and places that were often off limits to male reporters” (p. 25). In 1901, Michelson moved to Philadelphia and worked two more years as a reporter. She continued to address women’s issues as well as crime and began publishing fiction. Harrison-Kahan explains that this “rich repository” of real-life newswriting helped Michelson “compose entertaining fiction infused with the language and sensibility of modern womanhood” (p. 31). By 1929, Michelson had published more than forty fiction pieces in national magazines. Though most featured a female protagonist, the stories appealed to broad audiences. This popularity resulted in two serialized works in the most popular magazines of the day—Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine and the Saturday Evening Post. Michelson—who died in 1942 at the age of 72—had a compelling but historically overlooked impact on society during a time of profound change. Her personal story reflects a remarkable career contrasted with western feminism and an ethnic immigrant upbringing. This collection provides important insight into her work and to a crucial period in American history. It contributes substantially to the literature documenting social change, women’s history, and media history.


臭名昭著的 Ben Hecht:反传统作家和激进的犹太复国主义者

之所以吸引人,是因为迈克尔逊“表现出不具威胁性的白人女性气质,让她能够接触到男性记者通常无法进入的人和场所”(第 25 页)。1901 年,迈克尔逊搬到费城,又做了两年记者。她继续解决妇女问题和犯罪问题,并开始出版小说。哈里森-卡汉解释说,这个现实生活新闻写作的“丰富资料库”帮助迈克尔逊“创作了充满现代女性语言和感性的有趣小说”(第 31 页)。到 1929 年,迈克尔逊已在国家杂志上发表了四十多篇小说。虽然大多数以女性主角为主角,但这些故事吸引了广大观众。这种受欢迎程度导致了当时最受欢迎的杂志——《世纪画报月刊》和《周六晚邮报》的两部连载作品。迈克尔逊——于 1942 年去世,享年 72 岁——在深刻变革时期对社会产生了令人信服但在历史上被忽视的影响。她的个人故事反映了与西方女权主义和种族移民成长形成鲜明对比的非凡职业生涯。该系列为她的作品和美国历史上的一个关键时期提供了重要的见解。它对记录社会变迁、妇女历史和媒体历史的文献做出了重大贡献。她的个人故事反映了与西方女权主义和种族移民成长形成鲜明对比的非凡职业生涯。该系列为她的作品和美国历史上的一个关键时期提供了重要的见解。它对记录社会变迁、妇女历史和媒体历史的文献做出了重大贡献。她的个人故事反映了与西方女权主义和种族移民成长形成鲜明对比的非凡职业生涯。该系列为她的作品和美国历史上的一个关键时期提供了重要的见解。它对记录社会变迁、妇女历史和媒体历史的文献做出了重大贡献。