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The Jihad post-Arab Spring: Contextualising Islamic radicalism in Egypt and Tunisia
African Security Review Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10246029.2019.1679651
Ric Neo 1

Abstract This article examines the rise in jihadi activity within North Africa in recent years and aims to answer two fundamental questions: first, how have local and foreign jihadi groups capitalised on the unique domestic contexts in Tunisia and Egypt in the aftermath of the Arab Spring revolutions to advance their insurgencies? Next, what are the key factors conducive to extremism in both countries that have facilitated this? This study highlights the importance of contending with extremism with respect to the differentiated socio-historical, political and economic circumstances of each country. From a broader perspective, several trends common in the rise of extremism in both countries are identified. First, there is a tendency of extremism to consolidate in proportion to the amount of institutional void. Next, conditions of poverty often supply futile ground for the entrenchment of terrorism; in particular, the study highlights on how jihadi groups have made a concerted effort to damage the economic interests of each country. Finally, the presence of historical grievances provides a conducive environment for extremism. In light of the threat of cell dispersion following the recent defeats faced by ISIS in Syria and Iraq, an understanding of jihadi operations in North Africa becomes increasingly crucial.



摘要 本文考察了近年来北非圣战活动的兴起,旨在回答两个基本问题:第一,在阿拉伯之春革命之后,当地和外国圣战组织如何利用突尼斯和埃及独特的国内环境推进他们的叛乱?接下来,促成两国极端主义的关键因素是什么?本研究强调了在每个国家不同的社会历史、政治和经济环境方面与极端主义作斗争的重要性。从更广泛的角度来看,确定了两国极端主义兴起的几个共同趋势。首先,极端主义有与制度空缺成比例地巩固的趋势。下一个,贫困状况往往为恐怖主义的根深蒂固提供了无用的土壤;研究报告特别强调了圣战组织如何齐心协力损害每个国家的经济利益。最后,历史恩怨的存在为极端主义提供了有利的环境。鉴于伊斯兰国最近在叙利亚和伊拉克遭遇失败后细胞分散的威胁,了解北非圣战行动变得越来越重要。