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Green Eyes: The current role of intelligence in African counter-poaching
African Security Review Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10246029.2020.1781671
Kurt W. Steiner

ABSTRACT Intelligence is a practice that is becoming more frequently used within the conservation industry. This article examines the question of what role intelligence currently plays in counter-poaching within Protected Areas in Africa. Through research into existing literature, combined with interviews conducted in the field with practitioners active in 19 countries, it concludes that while intelligence practices have been randomly adopted by various conservation organisations in the past, and are currently being applied with varying degrees of success, they are fast becoming more professionalised and more effective.



摘要 智能是一种在保护行业中越来越频繁使用的实践。本文探讨了情报目前在非洲保护区内反偷猎中扮演什么角色的问题。通过对现有文献的研究,结合对活跃于 19 个国家的从业者在该领域进行的采访,得出的结论是,虽然过去各种保护组织随机采用了情报实践,并且目前正在以不同程度的成功应用,但正迅速变得更加专业化和高效。