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Democracy in Africa: success, failure and the struggle for political reform
Africa Review Pub Date : 2016-11-03 , DOI: 10.1080/09744053.2016.1248108
Niyaz Ali

deeper than official statistics reflect. Variation in regulation and prices creates business opportunities, allowing people to make a living by avoiding levies. These demand constant adjustment to changing environment. The tactical agency survives by constantly manipulating events to turn them into opportunities. Since they have no firm or fixed power base, they are able adapt with speed and flexibility that ensures life and livelihoods. Rather than moving in seamless world, most people move are within a strata and are unable to move beyond the first tier. They do not constitute the nodal points but acting out their agency from a position of subordination. The nodal points are figures of local authority that young miner, for example, must relate to in the diamond fields of Sierra Leone. Their forms differ but these big men constitute the nodal points in the informal network of governance. They are ambiguous and replicate the logic of being outside yet belonging and establish relationships of domination and subordination as people strive to connect to them. Africa, for the author, is a continent of war and conflict but with some notable exceptions they are internal. African states rarely go to war against each other. Africa is a continent of civil war, the majority of these tend to start at the borderlands and rebel movements often tend to fragment into several armed groups. Conflicts in DRC, Mali, Uganda, Liberia and Sierra Leone started at the borderland. Hence understanding them may be able to shed light on paradox of African conflict. The book is based on extensive field work and takes a people centric approach to understand the crisis of African state. It does so by analysing evolving socio economic patterns in the borderlands. While this does help to understand persistence of endemic conflicts and the role of natural resources play but it ignores many other factors. It should be useful reading to scholars studying endemic nature of conflicts and the response of Africa states.


