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Visual Representations of Black Hair in Relaxer Advertisements: The Extent to Which It Shapes Black Women’s Hair Preferences and Attitudes towards Hair Alteration
de arte Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00043389.2018.1440708
Khulekani Madlela 1

Abstract This article focuses on how the black body, particularly black women’s hair, is represented in advertisements for hair relaxers published in True Love, a South African magazine directed at black women. Using qualitative visual semiotic analysis, this article focuses on the process of dehumanisation through visual representation by paying attention to hair, a highly politicised subject in South Africa. In addition, using pre-group questionnaires and focus-group interviews, the article examines to what extent the images possibly shape hair styling practices of black female readers, aged between 18 and 45, who live in urban areas in South Africa.



摘要 本文重点介绍了在南非针对黑人女性的杂志 True Love 上发表的头发松弛剂广告中如何表现黑人身体,尤其是黑人女性的头发。本文使用定性视觉符号学分析,通过关注头发这一南非高度政治化的主题,通过视觉表现来关注非人性化的过程。此外,本文还使用小组前问卷调查和焦点小组访谈,研究了这些图像在多大程度上影响了居住在南非城市地区的 18 至 45 岁黑人女性读者的发型设计习惯。