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Reluctant Reformation in the North: Craven 1547–1553
Yorkshire Archaeological Journal Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00844276.2017.1341014
Victoria Spence

Abstract Following the failure of the Pilgrimage of Grace, which was overwhelmingly supported in Craven, the acceptance of the Protestant Reformed Church and the introduction of the Book of Common Prayer imposed by Edward VI and his advisors, as in much of the North, was slow and reluctant. Surviving sources reveal that the region did not readily embrace reform and continued to cling to traditional piety and worship. Evidence reveals that belief in intercession and purgatory continued well into the reign of Edward VI, supported by ex-religious clerics and a conservative gentry. Despite the imposition of the Edwardian injunctions, in many parishes church goods, endowments and chantry chapels were concealed from the authorities, facilitated by the remoteness of the region.


北方不情愿的改革:克雷文 1547-1553

摘要 在克雷文获得压倒性支持的恩典朝圣失败之后,新教改革教会的接受和爱德华六世及其顾问强加的《公祷书》的引入,就像在北方的大部分地区一样,进展缓慢。和不情愿。幸存的消息来源表明,该地区并没有欣然接受改革,而是继续坚持传统的虔诚和崇拜。证据表明,代祷和炼狱的信仰一直延续到爱德华六世统治时期,并得到前宗教神职人员和保守派绅士的支持。尽管实施了爱德华七世时代的禁令,但由于该地区地处偏远,许多教区的教堂物品、捐赠品和圣堂小堂都对当局隐瞒。