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Excess and Artifice: The Depiction of the Emotions in Aphra Behn’s Amatory Fiction
Women's Writing Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09699082.2020.1748821
Margarete Rubik 1

ABSTRACT This paper investigates the stylistic means Behn employs to convey frenzied states of emotion in her prose narratives, and compares her writing to that of other authors of romance and amatory fiction in the period. Behn’s attitude to both libertine indulgence and psychomachia is equivocal, varying from text to text. Passion is at once a token of sublime sensibility and a (self-)destructive infatuation. The language of emotions in her narratives is not gendered: male and female characters alike indulge in emotional and behavioural excess. Her hyperbolic, breathless style and inchoate syntax seem to simulate the characters’ lack of passion control, but are ultimately exposed as consummate artifice. The real and the fake are inextricably intertwined. She occasionally punctuates her eroticised descriptions with humour, but also links sexual, religious and colonial desire, and voyeuristic pleasure by means of a highly sensuous style.



摘要 本文研究了贝恩在散文叙事中传达疯狂情感状态的文体方式,并将她的作品与该时期其他浪漫小说和爱情小说作者的作品进行了比较。贝恩对放荡放纵和心理扭曲的态度是模棱两可的,因文本而异。激情既是崇高感性的象征,也是(自我)毁灭性的迷恋。她的叙事中的情感语言没有性别化:男性和女性角色都沉迷于情感和行为上的过度。她夸张的、令人窒息的风格和不成熟的句法似乎在模拟角色缺乏激情控制,但最终暴露为高超的技巧。真与假密不可分。她偶尔会用幽默来点缀她色情化的描述,但也将性、