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A Return to El Mundo Zurdo: Anzaldúan Approaches to Queer of Color Worldmaking and the Violence of Intersectional Heteronormativity
Women's Studies in Communication Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1080/07491409.2020.1824504
Robert Gutierrez-Perez 1

Abstract Utilizing the path of conocimiento as a theoretical lens, the author provides a discourse analysis of El Mundo Zurdo to offer understandings gained from the communicative processes of grieving and healing from the intersectional violence of heteronormativity. Specifically, the author analyzes the discourses found within three special issues/forums published on the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando, Florida, to flesh out the shared and unshared cultural values, beliefs, and norms under intersectional contestation within the LGBTQAI community. Further, the author critiques the violence of intersectional heteronormativity by remembering and archiving the processes that queer people undertake to make livable worlds that exist alongside the master narrative. As a different temporal structure, queer worldmaking, when actively worked on and against through a process of resistance, reflexivity, and agency, interrogates rhetorics of race, violence, and normative temporalities. The temporal turn in the disciplines of rhetoric and communication studies, if it is indeed a turn, must be an embodied or performative turn as well; otherwise, categories of difference, such as race, gender, class, and sexuality, will continue to be met with violence in academic publication venues, tenure/promotion and hiring practices, and in other larger, macro spheres of power and control.


回归 El Mundo Zurdo:Anzaldúan 对色彩世界的酷儿和交叉异性的暴力的方法

摘要 以conocimiento 路径为理论视角,作者对El Mundo Zurdo 进行了话语分析,以提供从异性恋交叉暴力的悲伤和治愈的交流过程中获得的理解。具体而言,作者分析了在佛罗里达州奥兰多 Pulse 夜总会大屠杀中发表的三个特刊/论坛中发现的话语,以充实 LGBTQAI 社区内交叉争论下共享和非共享的文化价值观、信仰和规范。此外,作者通过记住和归档酷儿为创造与主叙事共存的宜居世界的过程,批评了交叉异性恋的暴力行为。作为一种不同的时间结构,奇怪的世界制造,当通过抵抗、反思和代理的过程积极地反对和反对时,质疑种族、暴力和规范时间的修辞。修辞学和传播学学科的时间转向,如果确实是转向,也必须是具身转向或表演转向;否则,种族、性别、阶级和性取向等不同类别将继续在学术出版场所、任期/晋升和招聘实践以及其他更大的宏观权力和控制领域遭遇暴力。