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Same-Sex Couples’ Division of Labor from a Cross-National Perspective
Journal of GLBT Family Studies Pub Date : 2020-12-26 , DOI: 10.1080/1550428x.2020.1862012
Maaike van der Vleuten 1 , Eva Jaspers 2 , Tanja van der Lippe 2


This study concerns how male and female same-sex couples across countries organize their paid and household labor. Using unique data compiled from multiple national surveys in 7 western countries (N = 723), we examined same-sex couples’ paid and household task allocation and evaluate descriptively how this is associated with countries’ gender egalitarianism. For paid labor, results indicate that female same-sex couples spend less time in total on paid employment than male same-sex couples, but both male and female same-sex couples divide their hours of paid employment equally. For household labor, we find that female couples divide their household tasks more equally than male couples. Moreover, more gender egalitarian countries appear to be correlated to increasing differences between male and female same-sex couples’ total time spent on the labor market and to decreasing differences in how equal they divide their household labor. These findings suggest that larger, society-wide, gender regimes might be an important avenue for future research when studying same-sex couples paid and unpaid labor.




这项研究关注的是不同国家的男女同性伴侣如何组织他们的有偿和家务劳动。我们使用来自七个西方国家(N = 723)的多次全国调查收集的独特数据,研究了同性伴侣的有偿和家庭任务分配,并描述性地评估了这与国家性别平等主义的关系。对于有偿劳动,结果表明,女性同性伴侣在有偿工作上的总花费时间少于男性同性伴侣,但是男性和女性同性伴侣均将其有偿工作时间平均分配。对于家庭劳动,我们发现女性夫妇比男性夫妇更平等地分担家务。而且,更多的性别平等国家似乎与男女同性伴侣在劳动力市场上花费的总时间之间的差异不断增加以及与他们在分配家庭佣工平等方面的差异减少有关。这些发现表明,在研究同性夫妇有偿和无偿劳动时,更大的,全社会范围的性别制度可能是未来研究的重要途径。
