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A Multi-Method Approach to Dating: Persistent Occupation of the Alpine Tundra at Rollins Pass, Colorado
Journal of Field Archaeology Pub Date : 2020-12-30 , DOI: 10.1080/00934690.2020.1861499
Kelton A. Meyer 1


This paper examines chronological methods for reoccupied archaeological sites with surface arrangements of stone features in the alpine tundra. It is challenging to interpret feature dates in the tundra due to sample scarcity and poor context. I use a case study from a communal hunting site in the Rocky Mountains of North America to argue that archaeologists should use multiple dating methods to disentangle complex site formation histories. The High Grade (5BL148) game drive is located in Colorado’s Southern Rocky Mountains and includes 30 stone walls, 52 hunting blind pits, and a short line of cairns. Dating results suggest occupations from 4650 b.c.a.d. 1850, based on artifact typologies, radiocarbon dates on charcoal and bone collagen, and lichenometric dates on stone walls.




本文研究了按时间顺序排列的方法重新利用高山苔原上具有石头特征的地面排列的考古遗址。由于样本稀缺和环境不佳,在冻原中解释特征日期具有挑战性。我以来自北美洲落基山脉的一个公共狩猎场的案例研究为依据,认为考古学家应该使用多种约会方法来解开复杂的场址形成历史。高等级(5BL148)游戏驱动器位于科罗拉多州的落基山脉南部,包括30块石墙,52个狩猎盲坑和一小排石棺。测年结果从4650建议职业BC -广告1850年,基于神器类型学,木炭和骨胶原,和石壁上lichenometric日期放射性碳日期。
