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Pain communication: An agenda for communication researchers
Annals of the International Communication Association Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2020.1843368
Elizabeth A. Hintz 1

ABSTRACT Chronic pain is a significant and costly public health issue which is affected by political, organizational, and interpersonal social processes. Although medical pain scholarship has long examined communication constructs and processes, communication research and theory have remained largely absent. Scholars of communication must lend their research to this important issue to understand the role of communication in constituting and shaping the social and behavioral forces identified as priorities for advancing pain research. To facilitate this aim, I offer an agenda which lays theoretical groundwork in eight areas for scholars across the discipline to begin examining pain communication. These approaches hold promise for contributing fruitfully to both understandings of communication and the social experience of pain more broadly.



摘要 慢性疼痛是一个重要且代价高昂的公共卫生问题,受政治、组织和人际社会进程的影响。尽管医学疼痛研究长期以来一直在研究交流的结构和过程,但交流的研究和理论在很大程度上仍然缺乏。传播学者必须将他们的研究用于这一重要问题,以了解传播在构成和塑造被确定为推进疼痛研究的优先事项的社会和行为力量方面的作用。为了实现这一目标,我提供了一个议程,该议程为跨学科的学者开始研究疼痛交流奠定了八个领域的理论基础。这些方法有望为更广泛地理解交流和疼痛的社会体验做出卓有成效的贡献。