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Angelaki Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/0969725x.2021.1863602
Robert Hughes

Abstract This essay explores the trope of sleep in Peter Sloterdijk’s philosophy of anthropotechnics. Sleep is shown to be important for our understanding of Sloterdijk’s project as an index of his subject’s larger, hidden complex of inertias, habits, and corporeal requirements and processes that dominate subjective life and that exist outside the mastery of ego and consciousness. The essay explores this thesis by considering a series of figures that appear in Sloterdijk’s writings and interviews: the philosopher Heraclitus with his dismissive remarks on sleep, the insomniac Emil Cioran, the sleepwalker in Romantic thought. As the essay develops, it shows how, given such a subject formation, anthropotechnics is properly conceived as a management of the subject’s automatic processes to trick or repurpose or redirect them to work in concert or coincidence with the anthropotechnical project, rather than against it.



摘要 本文探讨了彼得·斯洛特戴克 (Peter Sloterdijk) 的人类技术哲学中的睡眠比喻。睡眠被证明对于我们理解 Sloterdijk 的项目很重要,因为它是他的主体更大的、隐藏的复杂的惯性、习惯和物质要求和过程的索引,这些复杂性支配着主观生活,存在于自我和意识的掌控之外。这篇文章通过考虑出现在 Sloterdijk 的著作和采访中的一系列人物来探讨这个论点:哲学家赫拉克利特对睡眠不屑一顾,失眠的埃米尔·乔兰,浪漫主义思想中的梦游者。随着文章的发展,它展示了在给定这样一个主题结构的情况下,