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Impact environnemental de la surconsommation sur les écosystèmes de la science-fiction québécoise: « augmenter le niveau de richesse dans le respect de l’environnement » (Legault 2018)
American Review of Canadian Studies Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02722011.2020.1811584
Isabelle Fournier 1

ABSTRACT In science fiction from Quebec (SFQ), several stories tackle the issue of destroying the environment by overconsuming its resources, while people keep doing their daily tasks without worrying about the consequences of their actions. One might think that the inertia in front of such an ecological crisis presented in these Québécois literary works comes from a lack of environmental awareness. On the contrary, in the SFQ ecosystems, when natural resources reach a critical depletion threshold, people increase their consumption instead of slowing it down to avoid the worst-case scenario. A close reading of the novels Les Écueils du temps (2008) by Daniel Sernine and Les Voyages thanatologiques de Yan Malter (1995) by Jean-Pierre April, and the recent short story “Losing What We Can’t Live Without” (2018) by Jean-Louis Trudel, among others, reveals that these overconsumers, driven by their greed, are condemning themselves in the end. This representation of an ecological apocalypse in SFQ brings us to analyze the political discourse of the Premier of Quebec, François Legault, who suggests increasing economic growth in an environmentally conscious way.


Impact environment de la surconsommation sur les écosystèmes de la science-fiction québécoise: «增加人 le niveau de richesse dans le尊重 de l'environnement » (Legault 2018)

摘要 在魁北克 (SFQ) 的科幻小说中,有几个故事解决了通过过度消耗资源来破坏环境的问题,而人们则继续从事日常工作而不必担心其行为的后果。人们可能会认为,这些魁北克文学作品中呈现的这种生态危机面前的惰性来自于缺乏环保意识。相反,在 SFQ 生态系统中,当自然资源达到临界消耗阈值时,人们会增加消费而不是放缓消费以避免最坏的情况。仔细阅读 Daniel Sernine 的小说 Les Écueils du temps(2008 年)和 Jean-Pierre April 的 Les Voyages thanatologiques de Yan Malter(1995 年),以及最近的短篇小说“失去我们不能没有的东西”(2018 年)让-路易斯·特鲁德尔 (Jean-Louis Trudel) 等人,揭示了这些过度消费的人,在贪婪的驱使下,最终都在谴责自己。SFQ 中生态启示录的这种表现让我们分析了魁北克省省长弗朗索瓦·勒戈 (François Legault) 的政治话语,他建议以环保意识的方式促进经济增长。