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Stories of reconciliation enacted in the everyday lives of Sámi tourism entrepreneurs
Acta Borealia Pub Date : 2020-04-23 , DOI: 10.1080/08003831.2020.1752463
Britt Kramvig 1 , Anniken Førde 2

ABSTRACT Reconciliation has gained political interest in Norway, where a commission was established in 2018 to investigate the injustices committed in the past towards the Sámi and Kven. In this article, we argue that reconciliation can also be found in the small stories and events enacted in everyday life. Our analyses are based on a collaboration with a Sámi reindeer herding family who, through objects, food and tales, invite visitors to get “A taste of Sápmi”. Through storytelling events, they bring the colonial past into the present. In communicating that “nature is our culture”, these events have become a way to explore and express the interdependency between Sámi practices and landscape. We seek to explore how the act of telling locally embedded stories enables the Sámi entrepreneurs to reconcile with their colonial past. The storytelling events also offer a space for engagement in which visitors can reconcile with their own participation in these encounters.



摘要 和解在挪威引起了政治兴趣,该委员会于 2018 年成立,负责调查过去对萨米人和克文人犯下的不公正待遇。在本文中,我们认为和解也可以在日常生活中发生的小故事和事件中找到。我们的分析基于与萨米驯鹿放牧家庭的合作,他们通过物品、食物和故事邀请游客“体验萨普米”。通过讲故事的事件,他们将殖民的过去带入了现在。在传达“自然是我们的文化”的过程中,这些活动已成为探索和表达萨米习俗与景观之间相互依存关系的一种方式。我们试图探索讲述当地嵌入故事的行为如何使萨米企业家与他们的殖民历史和解。