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The Nature and Nuance of Climate Change Skepticism in the United States*
Rural Sociology ( IF 4.078 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-05 , DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12371
Kristin Haltinner 1 , Dilshani Sarathchandra 1

We use data from 33 in-depth interviews conducted with residents in the rural inland Northwestern state of Idaho who self-identify as skeptical about anthropogenic climate change, to examine the nuance within the narratives that skeptics employ to voice their skepticism. Our findings show that the arguments employed by those who are skeptical of climate change do not constitute a clear typology of skepticism or “skeptics.” Rather, individuals weave together unique stories—shaped by their social locations, personal experiences, and underlying ideological beliefs—and, through combining different argument threads, explain why they believe climate change is a fictitious problem. Our findings suggest that while some skeptics may lean on religion-based or conspiracy-based narratives to rationalize their skepticism, others may rely on science attitudes, personal experiences, or a range of additional reasons to be skeptical of climate change. In short, climate skepticism is not uniform nor accurately typologized, but a complex tapestry of socially shaped beliefs.



我们使用对自认为对人为气候变化持怀疑态度的农村内陆西北爱达荷州居民进行的 33 次深度访谈的数据,来检验怀疑论者用来表达怀疑态度的叙述中的细微差别。我们的研究结果表明,那些对气候变化持怀疑态度的人所采用的论点并不构成明确的怀疑论或“怀疑论者”类型。相反,个人将独特的故事编织在一起——由他们的社会位置、个人经历和潜在的意识形态信仰塑造——并通过结合不同的论点,解释为什么他们认为气候变化是一个虚构的问题。我们的研究结果表明,虽然一些怀疑论者可能依靠基于宗教或基于阴谋的叙述来使他们的怀疑合理化,但其他人可能依赖于科学态度,个人经历,或一系列对气候变化持怀疑态度的其他理由。简而言之,气候怀疑论不是统一的,也不是准确的分类,而是社会塑造的信仰的复杂挂毯。