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Household lake exploitation and aquatic lifeways in postclassic Xaltocan, Mexico
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.312 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2021.101273
Kristin De Lucia

This article explores archaeological evidence for the exploitation of lacustrine resources at the island site of Xaltocan, in the northern Basin of Mexico. Parsons (2010) hypothesized that aquatic resources were key to the development of large populations and urbanism in the Mesoamerican highlands, as these resources provided protein, nutrients, calories, and a wide range of raw materials. However, lake exploitation is difficult to document because these resources often do not preserve archaeologically. This article demonstrates that we can begin to study lake exploitation by integrating multiple lines of evidence such as micro-artifacts, exchemical signatures, flora and faunal remains, and by looking for the toolkits associated with the extraction and processing of these resources. This study finds that households in Xaltocan were processing fish, hunting waterfowl, engaging in mat production, and making fishing nets alongside other activities as early as the Early Postclassic ( CE 900–1250) period. Further, it demonstrates that aquatic lifeways provided flexibility and offered a wide range of resources for exploitation that were variably utilized by different households. However, people’s lake exploitation activities changed over time as they were shaped and constrained by outside processes, including regional political, economic, and environmental forces.



本文探讨了在墨西哥北部盆地哈尔托坎岛上利用湖相资源开发的考古证据。帕森斯(Parsons,2010年)假设,水生资源是中美洲高地人口众多和城市主义发展的关键,因为这些资源提供了蛋白质,营养,卡路里和多种原材料。但是, 由于这些资源通常没有经过考古保存,因此难以记录湖泊开发。本文演示了我们 可以通过整合多种证据(例如微文物,化学痕迹,动植物残骸)以及寻找与这些资源的开采和加工相关的工具包来研究湖泊开发。这项研究发现,哈尔塔坎州的家庭正在加工鱼类,打猎水禽,从事垫子活动。 生产,并在早期后古典时代(CE 900-1250)与其他活动一起制作渔网。此外,它表明,水生生物的生活方式提供了灵活性,并提供了各种可供不同家庭利用的开发资源。但是,人们的湖泊开发活动随着时间的流逝而发生变化,因为它们受到外部进程(包括区域政治,经济和环境力量)的影响和制约。
