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Cormorant predation effects on fish populations: A global meta‐analysis
Fish and Fisheries ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-04 , DOI: 10.1111/faf.12540
Maria K. Ovegård 1 , Niels Jepsen 2 , Mikaela Bergenius Nord 1 , Erik Petersson 3

This paper provides the results from the first meta‐analysis to examine the impact of cormorant (Phalacrocoracidae) predation on fish. It is based on a systematic search of literature, covering studies using significance‐based hypotheses tests on the relation between fish parameters and cormorant abundance. The results show that extensive research on cormorant diet exists, but few studies use statistical hypotheses testing to examine the effect on fish populations. In total, 603 publications were identified from titles and abstracts, to include the interaction between cormorants and fish. From these, 27 articles tested fish population parameters against cormorant predation, whereof 22 could be included in analyses. The effect size was defined negative in cases when cormorant numbers or presence reduced fish numbers or biomasses, or when individual fish sizes decreased, and vice versa for a positive effect. In a hierarchical dependence model, the combined effect of cormorant predation on fish was negative, but the overall effect was not significant at the 95% confidence level (−0.169, 95% C.L. −0.505 to 0.167, p = .256, df = 5.26). A covariate analysis revealed a difference in predatory effects between fish prey taxa (p = .006, df = 5.73), but no difference in effect sizes between study type, foraging habitat, or response variable measured. The meta‐analysis reveals a complex interaction between cormorants and fish, but adds to the consensus on the importance of considering cormorant predatory effects in research, conservation actions, ecosystem‐based management, and environmental monitoring.



本文提供了第一个荟萃分析的结果,以研究((Ph酸科)捕食对鱼类的影响。它基于对文献的系统搜索,涵盖了使用基于显着性假设检验的鱼类参数与cor丰度之间关系的研究。结果表明,已经对diet的饮食进行了广泛的研究,但是很少有研究使用统计假设检验来检验对鱼类种群的影响。从标题和摘要中总共识别出603种出版物,其中包括cor与鱼之间的相互作用。从这些文章中,有27篇文章测试了鱼类种群参数对cor捕食的抵抗力,其中22篇可以纳入分析。如果cor数量或存在减少了鱼类数量或生物量,则将效果大小定义为负,或当单个鱼的大小减小时,反之亦然,以产生积极的效果。在等级依赖性模型中,cor捕食对鱼类的综合影响为负,但在95%置信水平下,整体影响并不显着(-0.169,95%CL -0.505至0.167,p  = .256,df  = 5.26)。协变量分析显示,鱼类捕食类群之间的捕食效果有所不同(p  = .006,df = 5.73),但研究类型,觅食栖息地或所测响应变量之间的影响大小没有差异。荟萃分析揭示了cor与鱼之间复杂的相互作用,但又增加了关于在研究,保护行动,基于生态系统的管理和环境监测中考虑cor掠食性影响的重要性的共识。