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When Color-conscious Meets Color-blind: Millennials of Color and Color-blind Racism
Sociological Inquiry ( IF 1.690 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-03 , DOI: 10.1111/soin.12411
Jonathan M. Cox 1

Most contemporary research suggests that white Americans overwhelmingly subscribe to color-blind racial ideology; however, comparatively little is known about people of color. What is less known, however, is how color-blindness is used by nonwhites: most existing work on color-blindness and people of color (POC) focuses exclusively on African Americans, or investigates specific circumstances like interracial relationships. This current project helps to fill some of the gaps in current knowledge regarding nonwhites and color-blindness by investigating how nonwhites utilize or reject color-blind racial ideology. To this end, I analyze personal journals and interviews with 48 Latinx, Asian, black (including ethnically black), and multiracial college Millennials in order to understand how their racial and ethnic identities impact their ideological beliefs. Findings suggest that Millennials of color use color-blindness infrequently as compared to their white peers, and their usage is very nuanced, inconsistent, and often contradictory. I discuss how POC are often bound by the dominant racial ideology of the U.S., such that it colors their perceptions largely through indirect means.



大多数当代研究表明,绝大多数美国白人都赞同色盲的种族意识形态。然而,对有色人种的了解相对较少。然而,鲜为人知的是非白人如何使用色盲:大多数现有的关于色盲和有色人种 (POC) 的工作只关注非裔美国人,或调查特定情况,如跨种族关系。这个当前的项目通过调查非白人如何利用或拒绝色盲的种族意识形态来帮助填补当前关于非白人和色盲的知识中的一些空白。为此,我分析了 48 位拉丁裔、亚裔、黑人(包括种族黑人)的个人日记和采访,和多种族大学千禧一代,以了解他们的种族和民族身份如何影响他们的意识形态信仰。调查结果表明,与白人同龄人相比,有色人种的千禧一代很少使用色盲,而且他们的使用非常细微、不一致,而且常常相互矛盾。我讨论了 POC 如何经常受到美国占主导地位的种族意识形态的约束,以至于它主要通过间接方式影响了他们的看法。