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Examining the Sexual Enigma of the Immigrant Paradox with International Students
Journal of International Students Pub Date : 2018-10-01 , DOI: 10.32674/jis.v8i4.231
Philip A. Belcastro , Hardaye Ramsaroop-Hansen

The metamorphosis of core sexual practices and sexual orientation norms resulting from the acculturation of U.S. native and non-native residents remains an enigma. A convenience sample from a metropolitan community college was drawn to describe the consequences of acculturation on U.S. international students’ core sexual practices and sexual orientation. Findings include: (1) observed differences in male international student sexual practices to that of the native male population were attributed to social opportunity and not the immigrant paradox, and (2) female international students’ core sexual practices and sexual orientation shifted over time to the higher risk sexual practices of the native female population. The U.S. needs to commit resources including qualified health educators, to support state mandated public school and undergraduate sex education for U.S. juveniles and young adults.



美国本土和非本土居民的文化适应导致的核心性行为和性取向规范的变化仍然是一个谜。抽取了来自大都会社区学院的便利样本来描述文化适应对美国国际学生的核心性行为和性取向的影响。调查结果包括:(1) 观察到的国际男性学生性行为与本土男性人口的性行为差异归因于社会机会而不是移民悖论,以及 (2) 国际女性学生的核心性行为和性取向随着时间的推移转变为当地女性人口的高风险性行为。美国需要投入资源,包括合格的健康教育者、