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Physical Activity Patterns and Perceptions among Type 2 Diabetic and Non-diabetic Portuguese
Annals of Applied Sport Science Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.29252/aassjournal.810
Maria Dulce Leal Esteves , Ricardo José Ascensão Gouveia Rodrigues , Paulo Gonçalves Pinheiro , Rui Miguel Marques Brás , Ana Isabel Antunes Dias Rodrigues Gouveia , Kelly de Lemos Serrano o´Hara , Paulo Alexandre de Oliveira Duarte , , , , , , ,

Background. The increasing prevalence and incidence of type 2 Diabetes has turned it into a worldwide epidemic. Although Physical Activity (PA) may play an essential role in the prevention and management of this disease, sedentary lifestyles continue to increase among diabetics. Besides, there is evidence to believe that diabetics and nondiabetics show different patterns of PA behavior, perceptions and information seeking. Objectives. This study aims to analyze diabetics and non-diabetics differences regarding (1) PA patterns (level, barriers, goals/expectations and preferred activities); (2) PA-related information sources and (3) evidenced perception on the need and importance of PA. Methods. Using data from 485 Portuguese subjects aged between 41 and 90 years old, differences between diabetics (n=85) and non-diabetics (n=400) were analyzed with Pearson’s chi-square and independent t-test. Results. The study concludes that 32% of diabetics that are physically inactive. Their attitude toward PA is not much different from non-diabetics. Nevertheless, the importance given to the time available and the schedules of activities as well as exercising with friends were more relevant for diabetics. Diabetics considered that the exercise is not safe for their health condition and present lower expectation towards exercise. Regarding information seeking behavior about PA, diabetics use as leading information source doctors and less online information. Conclusion. Diabetics and nondiabetics give different importance to PA. Results establish a foundation for the development of effective tailored communication strategies to promote PA among the diabetics.



背景。2型糖尿病的患病率和发病率不断上升,已使其成为一种全球流行病。尽管体力活动(PA)可能在预防和控制该疾病中起重要作用,但久坐的生活方式在糖尿病患者中仍在增加。此外,有证据认为糖尿病人和非糖尿病人表现出不同的PA行为,知觉和信息寻求方式。目标。这项研究旨在分析糖尿病患者和非糖尿病患者在以下方面的差异:(1)PA模式(水平,障碍,目标/期望和偏好的活动);(2)与PA相关的信息源,以及(3)对PA的必要性和重要性的感知证据。方法。利用485位年龄在41至90岁之间的葡萄牙受试者的数据,使用皮尔逊卡方检验和独立t检验分析了糖尿病患者(n = 85)和非糖尿病患者(n = 400)之间的差异。结果。该研究得出的结论是,有32%的糖尿病患者身体不活跃。他们对PA的态度与非糖尿病患者没有太大不同。尽管如此,对可用时间,活动时间表以及与朋友一起锻炼的重视与糖尿病患者更为相关。糖尿病患者认为运动对他们的健康状况而言并不安全,因此对运动的期望较低。关于寻求有关PA的信息行为,糖尿病患者被用作主要的信息来源医生,而在线信息则较少。结论。糖尿病和非糖尿病患者对PA的重视程度不同。