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Big Data and the Prospects of Historical Research - A study of research in modern and contemporary Korean history -
International Journal of Korean History Pub Date : 2019-08-31 , DOI: 10.22372/ijkh.2019.24.2.99
Minki Moon

At some point in Korean history, the term “Fourth Industrial Revolution” has become a word describing an age that will soon begin or has already begun. Klaus Schwab stated that “a ubiquitous and mobile internet, small powerful cheap sensors, artificial intelligence, and machine learning” are distinguishing characteristics of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 1 and as such the key to this revolution is a historic development in information technology (IT) and digital revolution. The term “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is not a newly coined term. It was used to describe the emergence of electronic engineering in 1955, the computer age in the 1970s, and the development of information and communication technology (ICT) in 1984. The same term was also used to discuss nanotechnology in the 1990s. 2 “The Fourth Industrial Revolu-


大数据与历史研究的前景 - 韩国近现代史研究 -

在韩国历史的某个时刻,“第四次工业革命”一词已成为描述即将开始或已经开始的时代的词。克劳斯·施瓦布 (Klaus Schwab) 表示,“无处不在的移动互联网、功能强大的小型传感器、人工智能和机器学习”是第四次工业革命的显着特征,1 因此这场革命的关键是信息技术(IT ) 和数字革命。“第四次工业革命”一词并不是一个新创造的术语。它被用来描述 1955 年电子工程的出现、1970 年代的计算机时代以及 1984 年信息和通信技术 (ICT) 的发展。同样的术语也被用来描述 1990 年代的纳米技术。2 “第四次工业革命