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Development of Augmented Reality-Based Interactive Multimedia to Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Science Learning
International Journal of Instruction Pub Date : 2019-10-01 , DOI: 10.29333/iji.2019.12421a
Ahmad Syawaludin , , Gunarhadi Gunarhadi , Peduk Rintayati , ,

This study aimed to describe the development of augmented reality-based interactive multimedia to improve the critical thinking skills of elementary school teacher education students in learning earth structure and fisheries material science. This type of research was research and development by Sukmadinata consisting of preliminary studies, model development, and model testing. The research subjects were elementary school teacher education students at Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia. The technique of collecting data used tests, questionnaires, and observations. The collected data was then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative data analysis used the interactive models of Miles and Huberman and quantitative data analysis using a paired sample t-test. The results of the study show that the development of media products determines indicators of learning, programming, display, and curriculum. The main field test obtained ρvalue = 0.002< 0.05, it can be decided that H0 rejected. Students think critically using augmented reality-based interactive multimedia better than before using it. At present, it is obtained interactive multimedia based on augmented reality that is feasible to use in accordance with the views of experts and users.



本研究旨在描述基于增强现实的交互式多媒体的发展,以提高小学教师教育学生在学习地球结构和渔业材料科学方面的批判性思维能力。这类研究是 Sukmadinata 的研究和开发,包括初步研究、模型开发和模型测试。研究对象是印度尼西亚 Sebelas Maret 大学的小学教师教育学生。收集数据的技术使用了测试、问卷和观察。然后对收集的数据进行定性和定量分析。定性数据分析使用 Miles 和 Huberman 的交互模型,定量数据分析使用配对样本 t 检验。研究结果表明,媒体产品的发展决定了学习、编程、展示和课程的指标。主场试验得到ρvalue = 0.002< 0.05,可以判定H0拒绝。学生使用基于增强现实的交互式多媒体比以前更好地进行批判性思考。目前,根据专家和用户的意见,获得了基于增强现实的可使用的交互式多媒体。