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Review of Monroy-Casas, Rafael & Arboleda-Guirao, Inmaculada. 2014. Readings in English Phonetics and Phonology. Valencia: Universitat de València. 409 pages. ISBN: 978– 84–370–9455–7
International Journal of English Studies Pub Date : 2016-06-28 , DOI: 10.6018/ijes/2016/1/227871
Joanna Przedlacka

Review of Monroy-Casas, Rafael & Arboleda-Guirao, Inmaculada. 2014. Readings in English Phonetics and Phonology. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia. 409 pages. ISBN: 978- 84-370-9455-7.Aimed at more advanced students, the book intends to bridge the gap between basic content and the wide world of research. The book's goal is to facilitate moving on from the dogmatic views formed at undergraduate level. It does so by offering a series of specially commissioned readings on aspects of English phonetics and phonology, with each chapter combining theoretical input with praxis. This is executed by a survey of a given topic, highlighting current debates and followed by an empirical study, which serves to illustrate how research within a subfield can be carried out. The volume contains fourteen chapters organised into three parts: Part I: English segmental phonetics and phonology, consisting of four chapters; Part II: Suprasegmental aspects of English, comprising seven chapters; and finally Part III: New developments in English, with three chapters.An interesting aspect of the volume's first part is its focus on consonants of a spoken variety. As previously pointed out by the editors of Urban Voices (Foulkes & Docherty, 1999), the focus in variationist literature had been chiefly on vowels, thus leading to the myth that vowels have more variability than other aspects of speech. Part I opens with Rodriguez- Romero's chapter discussing the phonological behaviour of yod in simple and complex syllable onsets; the author argues against its treatment as part of the consonant system despite the sound's phonetic properties. The chapter is written in the spirit of traditional descriptive phonemics and it is very pleasing to see Pike's vocoid and contoid distinction being introduced. The other chapters in this section also deal with consonants; for example, Arboleda-Guirao's is a descriptive study of syllabic consonants and schwa in the speech of the BBC newsreaders. The author discusses how a sample from a contemporary speech corpus fits in with four pedagogically-oriented descriptive rules governing the occurrence of schwa and syllabic consonants in Southern British English. Romero and Riera's chapter 4 revisits the phonetic and phonological voicing of plosives, emphasising the spatiotemporal aspect of the phenomenon and its relationship with stress, illustrated by copious examples from English. Worth noting is Barreiro-Bilbao's paper on fricatives, which uses the traditional articulatory description as an introduction to the complexity of acoustic cues and their relationship with inter-speaker variation. This is a welcome perspective, helpful in understanding the articulation-acoustics relationship and showing the current state of research on the topic.Part II offers a comprehensive coverage of English suprasegmentals. The section begins with Duchet's classification of lexical stress rules and a brief historical overview, followed by Mompean's chapter on stress shift. Through an acoustic and auditory study of -teen numbers based on a 32-hour audio corpus from the BBC World service, Mompean aims to shed light on the variation in the use of stress shiftin English. It is emphasised that stress shiftis not categorical but variable in both normal and aphasic populations, and potential conditioning variables (speaking rate, stylistic variables and word frequency) are identified. This study simultaneously introduces readers to the wealth of phonetic realisations while warning them that wider patterns may be obscured by the paucity of production data about the occurrence or frequency of variation. Consequently, the existing rules should not be taken as set in stone.Fuchs's chapter 7 is a clear introduction to rhythm types, taking the reader step by step through the topic. Its value lies in a neat demonstration on how to construct experimental methodology, taking as an example a sentence from the DyViS corpus and applying Pairwise Variability method to measure the durational differences between syllables in Southern British English speech. …


审查Monroy-Casas,Rafael和Arboleda-Guirao,Inmaculada。2014年。《英语语音和语音读物》。瓦伦西亚:瓦伦西亚大学。409页。ISBN:978– 84–370–9455–7

审查Monroy-Casas,Rafael和Arboleda-Guirao,Inmaculada。2014年。《英语语音和语音读物》。巴伦西亚:瓦伦西亚大学。409页。ISBN:978- 84-370-9455-7。针对更高级的学生,这本书旨在弥合基本内容与广阔的研究领域之间的鸿沟。该书的目的是促进从本科水平形成的教条主义观点继续前进。为此,它提供了一系列有关英语语音和语音学方面的特别委托的阅读材料,每一章都将理论输入与实践相结合。这是通过对给定主题的调查来进行的,突出了当前的争论,然后进行了实证研究,该实证研究说明了如何在子领域内进行研究。该卷包含十四章,分为三个部分:第一部分:英语分段语音学和语音学,由四章组成;第二部分:英语的超片段部分,共七章;第三部分:英语的新发展,共三章。本卷第一部分有趣的方面是它着重于口语辅音。正如《城市之声》(Urban Voices)的编辑先前指出的那样(Foulkes&Docherty,1999),变异主义文学的焦点主要集中在元音上,因此产生了一个神话,即元音比语音的其他方面具有更多的可变性。第一部分从Rodriguez-Romero的章节开始,讨论了在简单和复杂音节发作中的语音行为。尽管声音具有语音特性,但作者反对将其视为辅音系统的一部分。本章是按照传统描述性音位学的精神编写的,很高兴看到派克对音标和音标的引入。本节的其他章节也讨论辅音。例如,Arboleda-Guirao在BBC新闻阅读器的演讲中对音节辅音和schwa进行了描述性研究。作者讨论了来自现代语音语料库的样本如何与四个指导南部英国英语中schwa和音节辅音出现的教学指导性描述规则相吻合。罗梅罗(Romero)和里埃拉(Riera)的第4章重述了音节词的语音和语音发音,强调了该现象的时空特征及其与压力的关系,例如英语中的大量例子。值得注意的是Barreiro-Bilbao关于摩擦的论文,它使用传统的发音描述作为声音提示的复杂性及其与扬声器间变化的关系的介绍。这是一个受欢迎的观点,有助于理解发音与声学之间的关系并显示该主题的研究现状。第二部分全面介绍了英语超节段。本节以Duchet对词汇压力规则的分类和简要的历史概述开始,随后是Mompean关于压力转移的章节。通过根据BBC世界服务提供的32小时音频语料库对青少年数字进行听觉和听觉研究,Mompean旨在揭示英语中压力转移用法的变化。需要强调的是,在正常人群和无力人群中,压力变化不是绝对的,而是可变的,并确定潜在的条件变量(说话率,文体变量和单词频率)。这项研究同时向读者介绍了丰富的语音实现,同时警告他们,关于变异的发生或频率的生产数据不足,可能会掩盖更广泛的模式。因此,现有规则不应该一成不变。福斯的第7章清楚地介绍了节奏类型,使读者逐步了解了节奏。它的价值在于如何构造实验方法的清晰演示,以DyViS语料库中的句子为例,并应用成对变异性方法来测量英式英语南部语音中音节之间的持续时间差异。… 风格变量和词频)。这项研究同时向读者介绍了丰富的语音实现,同时警告他们,关于变异的发生或频率的生产数据不足,可能会掩盖更广泛的模式。因此,现有规则不应该一成不变。福斯的第7章清楚地介绍了节奏类型,使读者逐步了解了节奏。它的价值在于如何构造实验方法的巧妙演示,以DyViS语料库中的句子为例,并应用成对变异性方法来测量南英式英语语音中音节之间的持续时间差异。… 风格变量和词频)。这项研究同时向读者介绍了丰富的语音实现,同时警告他们,关于变异的发生或频率的生产数据不足,可能会掩盖更广泛的模式。因此,现有规则不应该一成不变。福斯的第7章清楚地介绍了节奏类型,使读者逐步了解了节奏。它的价值在于如何构造实验方法的巧妙演示,以DyViS语料库中的句子为例,并应用成对变异性方法来测量南英式英语语音中音节之间的持续时间差异。… 这项研究同时向读者介绍了丰富的语音实现,同时警告他们,关于变异的发生或频率的生产数据不足,可能会掩盖更广泛的模式。因此,现有规则不应该一成不变。福斯的第7章清楚地介绍了节奏类型,使读者逐步了解了节奏。它的价值在于如何构造实验方法的巧妙演示,以DyViS语料库中的句子为例,并应用成对变异性方法来测量南英式英语语音中音节之间的持续时间差异。… 这项研究同时向读者介绍了丰富的语音实现,同时警告他们,关于变异的发生或频率的生产数据不足,可能会掩盖更广泛的模式。因此,现有规则不应该一成不变。福斯的第7章清楚地介绍了节奏类型,使读者逐步了解了节奏。它的价值在于如何构造实验方法的巧妙演示,以DyViS语料库中的句子为例,并应用成对变异性方法来测量南英式英语语音中音节之间的持续时间差异。… Fuchs的第7章清楚地介绍了节奏类型,使读者逐步了解了节奏。它的价值在于如何构造实验方法的巧妙演示,以DyViS语料库中的句子为例,并应用成对变异性方法来测量南英式英语语音中音节之间的持续时间差异。… Fuchs的第7章清楚地介绍了节奏类型,使读者逐步了解了节奏。它的价值在于如何构造实验方法的巧妙演示,以DyViS语料库中的句子为例,并应用成对变异性方法来测量南英式英语语音中音节之间的持续时间差异。…