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Heiddegerian enframing, nihilism & affectlessness in J.G. Ballard’s Crash:
International Journal of English Studies Pub Date : 2019-06-30 , DOI: 10.6018/ijes.359191
Carlos Sánchez Fernández

J.G. Ballard’s novel Crash (1973) allows a reading in the terms of Heidegger’s concept of Ge-stell or enframing, according to which in modernity everything, humans included, is seen as a mere means to often questionable ends. Prompted by violent sexual fantasies and an unleashed death drive, its main characters, a wild bunch of symphorophiliac drivers, live a life of existential nihilism, treating human beings as objects, mere fodder for their prearranged car crashes. In so doing, they take an active part in a general process of dehumanisation afflicting Western civilisation, where people are just standing reserve (Bestand). This would be closely linked to so-called affectlessness, where emotions go nowhere but to an ever-increasing self-absorption in a world without others. In turn, this would be symptomatic of a civilisational shift from word to image, in a society where technology and performativity reign supreme and everything is evacuated of meaning.


JG巴拉德(JG Ballard)的《崩溃》中的海德格尔的包容,虚无和无情:

JG巴拉德(JG Ballard)的小说《崩溃(Crash)》(1973)允许以海德格尔(George-Stell)的概念进行阅读,在现代意义上,包括人类在内的所有事物都被视为仅是常常有问题的目的的手段。在激烈的性幻想和释放的死亡驱动力的推动下,其主要角色,一群狂热的交感神经病驾驶员生活在存在虚无主义的生活中,将人类视为对象,仅仅是他们预先安排的车祸的饲料。通过这样做,他们积极参与了困扰西方文明的普遍的非人性化进程,在那里人们只是常备军(Bestand)。这将与所谓的“无情”密切相关,在无情中,情感无处不在,而在没有其他事物的世界中,自我吸收不断增加。反过来,