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Can Elites Contain and Manage the Crisis?
Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy Pub Date : 2017-11-15 , DOI: 10.14267/cjssp.2017.3s.01
John Higley

Clear and pressing needs for many kinds of work have declined steadily since the mid-1970s in Western countries, and the declines show no sign of stopping. In the United States today, for example, roughly 7 million prime working-age men no longer seek work and are officially outside the labor force, with increasing numbers of formerly employed women joining them. Policy-making elites in Western countries have been myopic about problems of work in advanced postindustrial conditions and how they lead to the kind of demagogic populism personified by Donald Trump, AfD leaders in Germany, Marine Le Pen in France, Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, Beppe Grillo in Italy, and leaders and parties in at least two of the four Visegrad countries. The declining need for work and populist exploitations of employment insecurities and fears it produces threaten the elite basis of stable political systems in the West and give rise to an apparition of deep and protracted civil strife.



自1970年代中期以来,西方国家对多种工作的明确而紧迫的需求一直在稳步下降,而且这种下降趋势没有停止的迹象。例如,在今天的美国,大约有 700 万处于最佳工作年龄的男性不再寻找工作,并且正式退出劳动力市场,而越来越多的以前就业的女性加入了他们的行列。西方国家的决策精英对发达后工业条件下的工作问题以及它们如何导致以唐纳德·特朗普、德国的 AfD 领导人、法国的玛丽娜·勒庞、荷兰的吉尔特·怀尔德斯为代表的那种蛊惑人心的民粹主义一直是短视的。意大利的 Beppe Grillo,以及四个维谢格拉德国家中至少两个国家的领导人和政党。